Dear Mr. Gates:






Date:  Fri, 25 May 2007  11:00 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  30-31-32 Years Reunion at Mountainous Location









Saturday 26 May 2007 my ex-senior high school friends would hold a reunion of the 30 years leaving the high school. Like I mentioned in my previous letter of Indonesian High Waves Approaching Reunion of 30th Year Leaving the High School, some consideration should be made before I could get there.

Nevertheless, so far my friends have also done some preventive measures.

The logo has been made in certain way so that the number 3 does not look really like number 3, therefore it does not look like 30. Location of the reunion would be high above at mountainous housing complex of Bukit Sentul; therefore it would be commensurate with my consent to move up to the eternity. And the participants would not only from the 30 year graduates, but also from those of 31 and 32 year graduates, or from 1975, 1976, and 1977. So it becomes like an upward scale of 30-31-32 year graduates.












A.M. Firmansyah

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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