Ocean Pearl's Cloud Nine
Ocean Pearl
Fanfics, etc


King Evilo and the Town of Happiness

Once in a far off land there lived a group of ponies. Head of them all, was Lady North Star, a beautiful purple Pegasus. She started off the tiny village and named it Kingsley’s Dream Valley after her amazing pony friend-Kingsley. All ponies had their own magical power, but often used them accidentally and this lead on to many problems. This story is a Fan-fic about this group of Pony friends who had a very bad problem but fixed in cunningly. Enjoy!


‘Oh dear!’ cried Lady NS gazing out the window. Outside, a playful Ocean Pearl and Aurora were messing with their magic. Ocean Pearl shot some fiery sparks and fluttered her wings and Aurora sent out a howl of wind that picked OP up and swung her into the sky at a tremendous speed. As Aurora laughed and laughed she didn’t realize a cross and disgruntled Ocean Pearl had just hit her with a fierce tickling spell. Reacting fast, Aurora then shot off an unexpected sleeping potion to Ocean P and Ocean P instantly fell asleep.

Lady North Star ran outside and flew down to the teasing couple. She got this all the time. Though she knew the ponies meant no harm, and were just playing-something dangerous and unexpected COULD happen accidentally. So Lady NS rushed out and quickly separated the two, sighing. She used a Healing Potion to get them both up to their normal shape then scolded them gently. They just giggled. ‘Sorry Lady NS!’ Ocean Pearl cried. ‘Merry Treat just taught us these spells and we JUST HAD to try them out!’ Aurora nodded. ‘You know Lady NS!’ Lady NS let down her guard and giggled with them. ‘Yes,’ she said carefully ‘I know it is fun but with news that King Evilo is still roaming around makes me cautious. SO now scoot back to your cottage! Bye girls!’ she waved as they scampered off and she soared back to her own magical home. She yawned then dropped into bed. She tossed and turned having bad nightmares about the awful and horrid King Evilo. Then as she finally began to drop off she thought to herself ‘Yes… Cautious…’

The next day Merry Treat was happily sitting at her desk in her cottage reading up on the famous ‘Truth Spell’ She was famously known for being a smart, curious pony and LOVED performing spells to everyone and showing off her powers. Her two biggest fans were Aurora and Ocean Pearl and perhaps even Baby Jedi, a little toddler who was one of the smartest babies in all of the Ponyland’s. Kingsley’s Dream Valley was lucky to have such beautiful and amazing citizens. Or at least they thought so! At the moment it was raining hard and definitely added to the magical atmosphere.

Merry Treat heard a knock on her door and ran to answer it. Out on the porch there was a drenched pony. ‘Lady Minty!?’ cried Merry Treat. ‘How nice to see you! Oh do come inside, here, have a towel!’ Lady Minty trotted inside and gratefully took the towel. ‘Wow thanks a bunch!’ she said. ‘I am sorry to come, when you were busy…’ she trailed off gesturing to the piles of books and the glasses around Merry Treat’s neck.

‘Oh it’s all right! No trouble! But why did you come here in the rain?” she said curiously helping to squeeze some of the water out of Minty’s wet handbag. ‘Oh I have to tell someone. I don’t want to worry Lady North Star with my silly foolishness.’ Then she blushes. ‘Not that I want to worry you either, but she has been more worried and stuff..’ she trailed off again her rosy cheeks turning a vibrant red. ‘Anyway…?’ led Merry Treat, gesturing for Lady Minty to sit in an overstuffed armchair. ‘Well, I had on my sunglasses and all but I am pretty sure I saw King Evilo today. And it was very strange too. Pretty freaky, actually. It was all sunny and then he came and it started POURING!! I was scared and didn’t wait to get a proper look so I ran here. I know I am probably wrong but…’ Lady M stopped speaking and glanced at Merry Treat’s concerned face. ‘I hate to say it Lady Minty, not that I don’t believe you, it’s just Lady North Star made it clear that Spike put up hundreds of barriers. And Kingsley too! I even helped to enchant it. And remember what they said? Their safest place was first with Lady North Star, then with the Safe Gate of Wonders. Everything will be fine. I assure you! She looked into Lady Minty’s confused eyes and felt ashamed. ‘No offense or anything...'’she added quickly. ‘Oh no. None taken. It was probably just a mistake. But, no offense to you either, but we all know the powerful King Evilo can fight out even your spells! And,’ she added menacingly, ‘Have YOU seen Kingsley or Spike, lately?’ ::Their TV hums and they turn it on…::


Featherfire and Sundrop were happily enjoying a cup of tea when there were 3 rapid, harsh knocks at Sundrop’s yellow door. They went to the door curiously and opened it up. Outside stood a black pony with flaming red, black and blue hair, and his symbol showed some scary looking skull bones. ‘King Evilo!’ cried Featherfire. ‘Ahhhh!’ screamed Sundrop and tried to run out the door. But then Evilo spoke. ‘Hold it right there ladies. Don’t move an inch and put your hooves UP!’ they stood right where they were and raised their hooves straight up. Then all the ponies heard a loud ‘Manicko!’ and King Evilo was thrown backwards into a nearby bush. Behind him stood a flustered-looking Lady North Star. ‘Oh NO!’ she cried. ‘Run girls! Run to my castle and send THIS message out to EVERYONE: Stay in his or her houses, board up their windows etc!’ She then turned her attention to the rising King E and shuddered. ‘Manicko Double!’ she shouted again and he was tipped backwards again and then again. ‘Kingsley!’ she shouted frantically ‘Spike! Where are you?’ King Evilo got up and said to her softly. ‘Stop RIGHT there. You know I have powers that can kill you in a second. And do you want me to tell you where Kingsley and Spike are? I have hidden them as hostages. You may either find them or give me your Ponyland. And everyone in it!’ He laughed and then said to her ‘Jalio!’ she was suddenly locked up in a huge cage. ‘Ahhh!’ she cried. ‘Anyone! Anyone-HELP!’

Melody and Princess Sweetheart were enjoying a lovely meal of red blossoms and cherries when their TV suddenly hummed. ‘Hmm! Another message!’ Melody said curiously and flicked the TV on. A scared looking Sundrop and Featherfire were standing there. ‘Everyone! King Evilo is on the loose! Board up your windows, lock your doors and most of all be ready and armed and don’t panic. We’ll be all right. Lady North Star is here!’ Then their image suddenly vanished and a mean-looking pony came on. A pony looking very much like King Evilo.’ Princess Sweetheart gasped and cried out ‘Come on!’ They raced around and locked all doors and windows and then turned back to the man. ‘Hullo ponies!’ he said with a horrible cackle. ‘Your Queen is captured. I have already explained my deal to her. Find your beloved Kingsley and Spike by yourself and keep your Ponyland. Don’t and.. I will take your Ponyland and you will have your creatures’ back. And be careful.. I could be anywhere…’ then he disappeared and the two scared ponies heard a loud, harsh, ripping knock at their door…

‘EEEEKK!’ cried Melody and grabbed her magic book. Sweetheart was peeping out the small hole in their door. Then another eye looked back at her. ‘Auugghh!’ she screamed. ‘What? Please open up! It’s Baby Moondreamer!’ called a confused pony. ‘Umm…’ said Sweetheart. Ws it really their friend and neighbor Baby Moondreamer, or someone else in disguise? She wasn’t sure. But then, the door flung open anyway and Baby Moondreamer came through looking very scared. ‘Hi guys! Sorry to scare you-I just saw the warning and got creeped out!’ She ran over to hug them. Then suddenly someone stepped through the door. A MALE. Then he said softly. ‘Stand right still and don’t move an inch…’ Melody, Sweetheart and Baby Moondream were speechless as Spike and Kingsley crept toward them. ‘Guys- KING EVILO is here and he captured Lady North Star and us. Get Merry Treat and use her spells to find us. I don’t know if he knows we are here so I can’t give out any clues. The day we put up the barriers he grabbed us and let us have a final word to you all we gave a clue! We gave a clue then! Something I said on the day we were meant to put the barriers! Remember!’ Then they ran out the door. ‘Oh my!’ cried Melody. ‘Over to Merry Treat’s QUICK!’ They grabbed a coat and headed out. They practiced a hurting and healing spell in their heads.. just in case.


Jinxy was sitting with his girlfriend Merry Treat and he was listening to her explaining how Lady Minty first saw King Evilo. He said nothing but glanced at her suspiciously. Was his girlfriend and her friend onto him? He thought NO ONE knew he could take on the form of King Evilo. He had captured the real King Evilo but he couldn’t let out the fact he could take on other forms or they might try and take the power away from him. He had realised where king Evilo took Spike and Kingsley and knew that the King would kill them. So he hurried and found them, remembering a clue Kingsley and Spike had give out on the day they disappeared… He couldn’t let the ponies realize HE had captured King E. Everyone knew King E had dark powers. And no one even realised that Jinxy had some too. He just never used them unless it was for a good cause.. Like this one. So he didn’t tell them, and he pretended to be King E and he planned to let the ponies find Kingsley and Spike (who didn’t know he could take on that form and had been captured by the REAL Evilo) and destroy King Evilo. Little did he know the ponies were planning a horrible KILLING, BANISHING potion. If Jinxy did pretend to be King Evilo… He would be killed..

‘So I and a group of the most magical ponies are planning a Banishing spell or even a Killing Spell though I am sure Lady North Star wouldn’t approve. When we see him next we will spray him with our potion and he will be gone forever!’ ‘What!’ gasped Jinxy. ‘Oh no… Merry Treat, I need to tell you something..

Kingsley and Spike shivered as King Evilo (actually Jinxy) appeared. ‘That was close!’ he muttered. He had got his girlfriend to stop using the banishing spell. He ran to his Magic TV and turned it on. ‘Hello Ponies.’ he said in his fake evil accent. ‘You have until tomorrow afternoon to find the animals. Goodbye.’ He then turned it off and closed the Gate. Yes-They were hiding at the Safe Gate of Wonders. And it seemed the ponies didn’t realize that just before the real Evilo had taken them they gave a clue about where they were: ‘The first safest place is with Lady North Star-The second… at the Safe Gate of Wonders!’ ‘The ponies will find us…’ cried Kingsley. ‘And they’ll DESTROY you.’ Suddenly he heard a noise and two ponies (Powder and Glitzy) and Merry Treat came in. Powder and Glitzy were good fighters and often practiced Ponyrati. (Like Karate) ‘Hoojaa!’ Powder shouted and a beam of light shot from her horn and Jinxy felt a horrible pain in his stomach. ‘Ackk!’ he cried. ‘Stop!’ Merry Treat looked at him for a long time. ‘Stop girls..’ she muttered. ‘That’s not King Evilo. That’s my Jinxy. I can see it in his eyes. Glitzy stopped and gasped. ‘What? It can’t be?’ Powder looked confused ‘Then who?’ Jinxy slowly got up ‘Not me..’ he said softly. ‘Then who stole the cookies from the cookie jar…’ finished Merry Treat with a smile. When she was young, Jinxy and her used to sing that ALL the time. Then she shook herself. This was a real situation. No time for memories. Suddenly she was scared..‘Jinxy… Show yourself.’ He changed forms. ‘How did you know I could do that?’ he asked curiously. Even Powder and Glitzy stopped to look. ‘Lady Minty realised. Who else’s power is it to make it rain? She remembered talking to you then you darted off then King Evilo came and it started raining. It was a wild guess but I guess this clears it up. Suddenly Powder sprang back up and put her horn to the ground. A loud beep was heard. ‘I’m sorry Jinxy.. But why did you do that?’ he realised why she was sorry. She and Powder put an alarm on. Soon the place was filled with ponies. ‘STOP!’ he cried. He changed forms and threw some fire against the wall. ‘STOP!’ Everyone was quiet. None of them besides Lady North Star could defeat this man. ‘I didn’t capture Spike or Kingsley. And I didn’t hurt them.’ He explained his story. ‘Then why didn’t you free Lady North Star?’ Ocean Pearl threatened. ‘He did.’ Came a voice. Lady North Star flew in. ‘And he told me his plan. I agreed as you ponies were becoming too dependent on me. And you needed to learn how to capture him for yourself.’ The real King Evilo was banished by Jinx and I 2 weeks ago. Suddenly Jinx was a hero! There was a huge parade and celebration for the fact he was killed. But some were still angry he didn’t tell them. He tried to explain but couldn’t. ‘I guess I should’ve’ was all he said…

Lady Minty was talking on the to Sunshower who was currently away from Ponyland as she was pregnant. ‘So! It was the best adventure! When your baby and you come back you will be safe at last from King Evilo.’ They exchanged good-byes then Ocean pearl heard a knock at her door. She opened it and there stood… KING EVILO! She screamed.. until she realised it was a tree. Then she laughed until Aurora came by to see what all the fuss was. ‘I guess I have had one too many encounters with King Evilo.’ She giggled. ‘And talking about encounters look at those two!’ They both looked over Jinxy and Merry Treat who were under a shady tree watching the sunset, holding hooves.

Later on Jinxy thought to himself. ‘Wow! Only 3 weeks ago I never would’ve thought this would be happening. Or that I would’ve got out of it happy and safe. But then again Kingsley’s Dream Valley IS a town of happiness…’
