

A l B l C l D l E l F l G l H l I l J l K l L l M l N l O l P l Q l R l S l T l U l V l W l X l Y l Z

Gancho**Gel**Gold Level**Good-Will Lesson**Grapevine**Grooming**Group Dance  Classes**Guest Parties

GANCHO: A 'hooking' action of one leg around another.

GEL is a buzzword couples use to indicate the special harmonious cohesion and magical relationship that exists between them as a partnership, and on the dance floor - a bonding of two dancers as individuals and in partnership - their complete rapport, 'we gel well' says it all.

GOLD LEVEL: The third complete level of the Medallist System, representing advanced patterns and concepts. First level being Bronze and the second Silver.

GOOD-WILL LESSON is a free dance lesson given by the teacher to the pupil for a mishap caused previously by the teacher without the teacher being paid for the lesson.

GRAPEVINE: A series of four steps, arranged in the following sequence: forward, side, back, side, forward, etc., a weave-type action. The sequence may begin with any one of the four steps and can be repeated.

GROOMING is the impeccable taste a dancer displays in dress and in manner on the dance floor. Good grooming is the first thing that usually strikes the judge's eye at contests.

GROUP DANCE CLASSES: As the name implies, these are dance lessons where a number of pupils are taught at the same time by one or two teachers. The advantages of this kind of tuition are;

  1. It is cheaper because the price for an hour's lesson is shared between the group.
  2. Learning with a group of people is FUN and sociable.
 The drawbacks are;
  1. The pupil has no say in what is taught, since the dances and techniques are scheduled beforehand by the tutor.
  2. The tutor must adapt his/her rate of instruction to suit the average ability of the class. This often embarrasses slow learners, while delaying the fast ones.
Group classes are mainly offered in social dance schools, either as a course on its own, or as part of a package which includes private lessons and social functions as well.

GUEST PARTIES: A guest party is a function held in most social dance schools to create an opportunity to present to the public what they have to offer in the way of learning to dance, meeting others through dancing and showing off their studio and students. A student's invitation to the party is one guest (a friend) or more who, he/she assumes will enrol for lessons and benefit - a potential customer.

The studio provides snacks and champagne, and the teachers and students host the guests by making them feel welcome, i.e. introducing them to all, teaching them the basics of a dance or two, and then telling the guests how their system operates. Guests interested, enrol on their 'special' offer for guests.

A FUNCTION GUEST is a friend or family-member who pays an entry fee to attend a festival, exhibition, examination or competition as a spectator to support those dancing.