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This website is for the purpose of a fan only. I do not own the rights to Peter Pan or Wendy Darling and I am not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company in any way. This website is not to infrindge on Walt Disney's copyright laws. All images are (C)  property of the Walt Disney Company.
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This website is for the purpose of a fan only. I do not own the rights to Peter Pan or Wendy Darling and I am not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company in any way. This website is not to infrindge on Walt Disney's copyright laws. All images are (C)  property of the Walt Disney Company.
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Hello everyone and welcome to the new layout for my website. First of all, thank you for coming. I very much appreciate visitors and would love if you would sign my guestbook on the way out. The new theme of Wendy's NeverLand is the Darling Nursery along with victorian toys and the Peter Pan's Flight melody from Walt Disney World. I can not take credit for the beautiful layout and amazing picture done for this page. The layout is the work of Alice Hawkins and the art was done by Amy Paulson. I will add links for you to
contact them and to get to their webpages
soon. Please take a look around and have
fun. Please report any kind of error you
have found
                      THANK YOU
Other Versions

History of



When I met Wendy


Best WDW

Peter Pan's



Statues in

Wendy Art

Wendy Pins


Wendy Collectibles

Maxis The SIMS

Dizney Dollz

Coloring Pages




Other Versions

My Awards

My Award




About Me


This Wendy is from a Japanese anime cartoon of Peter Pan. This showed aired in Japan in 1989 (but has been aired in over 15 different countries) and consisted of 41 episodes. She's wearing pink and white and has pigtails. Original Japanese voiework for Wendy was done by Naoko Matsui.

Click here to go to an amazing website with TONS of information and pictures about Peter Pan No Boken.
This Wendy is from an American animated Peter Pan show. This showed aired in the late 1980's and was taken off the air in the early 1990's.  It had over 20 episodes. Select episodes from the show can be found on VHS. She's wearing purple and white and has short, black hair (topped with a flower). Original American  voiework for Wendy was done by Christina Lange.

Click here to go to a cool website with information of the Peter Pan and the Pirate characters.
Probably the most popular of the different Wendys, due to the films recent release. This new version of Peter Pan was released in theaters on Christmas Day 2003. Wendy was portrayed by Rachel Hurd-Wood, who was appearing  in her first  major-motion picture. The film was released to coincide with the story's 100th anniversary, and was a real attempt to make a movie that is, not only, true to the story but also to have all the characters portrayed by children (as they are in the story.)
The new film has fanned the flame of the story's popularity and has brought many Peter Pan fans, new and mature; young and old, together. Many audiences have been captiavted by Rachel's performances, and she has brought in a whole new group of fans. Because of her new popularity you will find many fansites to her, but I have linked two of my favorite websites dedicated to the movie.

Wendy's Window
Peter Pan and the Pirates
Peter Pan no Boken
Hogan's Peter Pan (2003)
Peter Pan (the play)
Wendy has been portrayed by hundreds of girls and women in the past hundred years and is an acting favorite for many actresses. Everyone is familiar with the play of Peter Pan, as it was the original version of the story. The play also continued the tradition of Peter Pan always being played by women; a tradition that was broken by Walt Disney's version in 1953. The play is performed on Broadway as well as for school plays.
This is an actress who has professionally perfomed Wendy on stage. I thought she looked a lot like Wendy too.
This picture is from one of the first productions of Peter Pan on stage.
Here are some actresses who have played Wendy for the stage [along with who played Peter].

Mary Brian [Betty Bronson] - 1924

Maureen Bailey [Mary Martin] - 1960

Briony McRoberts [Mia Farrow] - 1976
Hook (1991)
This movie was an adaptation of the Peter Pan story directed by Steven Speilberg. Wendy was portrayed by Maggie Smith, as she was much older in the adapted version of the story.