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This website is for the purpose of a fan only. I do not own the rights to Peter Pan or Wendy Darling and I am not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company in any way. This website is not to infrindge on Walt Disney's copyright laws. All images are (C)  property of the Walt Disney Company.
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This website is for the purpose of a fan only. I do not own the rights to Peter Pan or Wendy Darling and I am not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company in any way. This website is not to infrindge on Walt Disney's copyright laws. All images are (C)  property of the Walt Disney Company.
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Hello everyone and welcome to the new layout for my website. First of all, thank you for coming. I very much appreciate visitors and would love if you would sign my guestbook on the way out. The new theme of Wendy's NeverLand is the Darling Nursery along with victorian toys and the Peter Pan's Flight melody from Walt Disney World. I can not take credit for the beautiful layout and amazing picture done for this page. The layout is the work of Alice Hawkins and the art was done by Amy Paulson. I will add links for you to
contact them and to get to their webpages
soon. Please take a look around and have
fun. Please report any kind of error you
have found
                      THANK YOU

History of



When I met Wendy


Best WDW

Peter Pan's



Statues in

Wendy Art

Wendy Pins


Wendy Collectibles

Maxis The SIMS

Dizney Dollz

Coloring Pages




Other Versions

My Awards

My Award




About Me


This is a very intersting story of how I met Wendy in a private room in the back of Walt Disney World's Town Hall in Main Street USA.  My family and I had gone to Disney over 8 times before this year (and my favorite character had always been Wendy), and we were never able to find her. On this vacation I was sick and it wasn't a lot of fun. We went to a character breakfast at the castle, but I couldn't eat anything.  We met Peter Pan and asked him if her knew where Wendy was, because she sometimes appears at that breakfast.
When I met Wendy
He replied, "I went to her window this morning, but she wasn't there." We left the meal a little sad that we didn't find Wendy and we weren't planning on finding her at all that day (because we hadn't in any previous vacations). We ran into Jenny, a cast member who was waiting with Pluto outside the film shop on Main Street, and my Dad was telling her how we lost my brother's autograph book. She replied, "Wait here about 10 minues and I'll be right back." She and Pluto went inside and we waited. She returned about 10 minues later with another autograph book signed by every character who was in the park backstage. The whole book was full! Both sides of the pages. We were all in aw. Then my Dad started talking to her about our Wendy quest troubles. I was unaware of this, because Pluto was busy playing with me and my brothers. She just told him to have my family meet her in two hours in the Town Hall. We went to the Town Hall two hours later and then Jenny came out from behind the desk and told us to follow her. This is where the pictures start to tell the story.
We followed her behind the counter, through a door into a hallway and then through another door. And waiting through the door was Wendy sitting in a small room with a couch. I was only 9 years old and extremely shy, so I was speachless! She started talking to me in Wendy's british voice and I was in such a state of shock I can't even remember what I said.
I was so happy.  I had finally met Wendy. Don't let the quality of the picture fool you, she was the best looking (park character) Wendy I had ever seen. I had seen pictures of her on the internet and none of them looked like her.  She was incredible!
She started asking me about myself and that she was very happy to meet a fan.  She offered to sign my autograph book and I was still amazed as ever.
I thought the day could not get any better, but guess what... it did. The parade was going on while we were talking and then Wendy asked me if I'd like to dance in the parade with here. Can you believe it? Me, dancing with Wendy. I could've passed out right there, but I was just loving every moment of it. I don't know anything else about Jenny.
I only have one picture that she happned to be in and this is her waiting to escort us out of the Town Hall. You can sort of see behind the counter and the lights of the Town Hall out side the door.
Here's me and my brothers holding hands with Wendy and heading down to the parade. As you can tell, my parents were waiting behind us with the camra. And for those of you who've visited Walt Disney World, you can kind of tell where we exitied the Town Hall.
Here's Wendy, me and my brother watching the parade together. It was so much fun. I could've just died right there, but, little did I know, it was about to get even better. Can you believe that?
First seeing Wendy
Signing my autograph book
Going out into the parade
Watching the parade
Watching the parade