Oda Mon Nobunaga's Castle

What's New

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Rules Reviews
Daimyo Rules
Battle Reports
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28 August 2009 Important announcement about site closing.

18 May 2008 Yeah, I know. Another year since the last update. Partly inspired by seeing the West Wind Productions range at Carronade in Falkirk last week. Was sooo tempted. But after painting almost 500 15mm, didn't think I could start again in 28mm. Maybe just a few for a skirmish though... Just updated the figures page at the moment. So many links were out of date. More updates to follow. And once I get hold of the new Peter Pig rules, I'll get a review on here.

13 April 2007 A whole year since the last update! Phew. Life's been hectic with work, studying, family etc. so virtually no time for wargaming. Apologies to anyone who didn't get a reply to e-mail as I've had a few computer problems along the way. Hope the coming year will be less demanding. Lots of new figures (especially in the 25-28mm scales) possibly due to the imminent release of the "Divine Wind" WAB supplement as well as extensions to existing ranges. Other accessories have been released too, so lots of new links. Also a link to an interesting looking new rules system, "Bushido". Details on the Links page.

Promise not to wait so long for the next update!

14 April 2006 Added link to Kingsford Miniatures on Figures page.

14 February 2006 Added Killer Katanas II review and link to John Jenkins Designs on Terrain page.

24 July 2005 Added link to Samurai Blades: On Deadly Ground computer game to the Miscellaneous page.

6 July 2005 Added review of Chipco's Chrysanthemum Throne rules written by Kent Reuber. Thanks Kent! Link to Sengoku Jidai campaign being run by Neil Hughes and lots of minor link updates.

23 January 2005 New email address on the Contact page. More plastic figures and banner transfers added to the Figures page.

04 September 2004 Added Samurai Wargame Rules review and minor updates to Figures and Terrain pages.

10 May 2004 Added 1st Corp Limited to 25mm Figures and link to Age of Battles - Shogun rules.

1 April 2004 Information on new A.I.M. 10mm range on the Figures page.

21 March 2004 Added sample Daimyo Clan Cards to Downloads page and link for HYTTY/Odemars to Figures page.

19 February 2004 Added Taiko! review and various links.

9 February 2004 Added several links to Figures and Miscellaneous pages.

28 January 2004 Site goes live!

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