Hi, sorry it took so long. There was a big dumb Goku blocking my way. Here's a few fics to get you started, and PLEASE, if you'd like to post anything, contact me!

Here they are for now:
These are by Kimba The Lion Cub. They are so funny! The first 4 are the g-boys' birthday parties when they're about 4 years old.

Quatre's Party
Trowa's Party
Heero's Party
Wufei's Party
The T.V. Hopper Thingy

These two are by Jaelle and Orla. I recommend them highly.

I've Never
The House That Wufei Built

This one's by my buddy MoonCat. I can relate to this one.


This one's by me and Goku.

Channel Surfing

What's up with Heero? Why's he so short? Find out! This one's by Crystalite.

Modern Magic
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four

Here's a series entitled The Fallen by the resident helper monkey, JAG. Read them in the order they are listed, or else they won't make sense.

Three Days
Another one by JAG, but it's not Gundam Wing.
The New Adventures of Scooby the Doo

This fic's by Cleckmoon, our resident pyromaniac and comedian. Read it. This one had me rolling.

Heero Discovers Smarties

*TISSUE NOT INCLUDED* This is a sad,::sob!:: sad story. Dorothy/Quatre pairing.

The Saddest Song