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Ask elvin!
Elvin answers letters from some lucky fans. Plus - elvin answers questions you've been dying to ask him!

Dear Elvin,
I wrote to this site hoping you will really find time to read my letter, and if I'm lucky enough, getting a reply from you. I have been a fan of yours since I learned how to breathe. I believe that when I was born, the first sound that came out of my mouth was not an infant cry, but the sound of the sweetest name on earth...elvin.
This morning, I went to the department store to buy a life-size poster of yours. I'm planning to stick it on my ceiling so you will always be the first person I will see everytime I wake up in the morning. Hopefully, I can save enough money, so I can buy another one for our bathroom.
Just one question Elvin... how can I earn more money so I can buy more posters?
From: Your fan

Hi fan!
I recommend having my poster auctioned. That poster will cost thrice as much in the next 2 years.

Everdearest Elvin,
I have a boyfriend. I love him very much, in fact, I am very much willing to marry him the moment I get my college diploma. But the problem is that my friends do not like him. what should I do?
P.S. I love your new album. Reggae really is in your blood. When will you have a concert here in our place?
From: Confused lady

Hi confused lady!
Wow. Your name is really corny. Look... I'm not really an advice columnist but I'll try to help you solve your problem. As I see it, you don't have any problem. I think it will be a lot more problematic when all your friends start liking your boyfriend so much. Unless you are charitable enough to share a boyfriend with them.
But I think you really are confused. First, I don't have a new album. Second, I don't sing reggae. Third, I assume you are expecting me to know that I know where you live.

Wassup Elvin,
Where do you usually hang-out dude? You know... I really wanna see you in person because all my friends like you very much. I wanna see how you dress up, how you move, how you eat, how you breathe, so I can copy them and my friends will like me as well.
Ok. I admit it. I wanna be you.
From: Elvin wannabe

Hi Elvin Wannabe!
I usually hang-out near the pond in the middle of our university. You can see me there munching on fresh, wriggly worms which I share with the noisy ducks. I usually wear leaves that I have sewn together with a piece of string.
Good luck. May your i see you and your friends there.

Mr. Elvin,
This is to remind you of the amount you owe our restaurant. Please settle your accounts as soon as possible. Your promisory notes are all long overdue.
Thank You
From: The canteen manager

Hi Canteen manager!
Shut up.

The fans ask...
Q:If you can be an animal for a day, what animal will you be?
Elvin:A paramecium. So I can be a plant at the same time.

Q:What makes you blush?

Q:Who is your role model?
Elvin:I don't understand your question

Q:What makes you extremely happy?
Elvin:I don't know. I think I'm not aware.

Q:If your life will be put into a film, who should play your role?
Elvin:I'll demand an audition.

Q:What scares you most?
Elvin:A tickling finger.

Q:What's your dream job?
Elvin:I want to be a game show host.

Q:What was your first award?
Elvin:Second honors at a vacation bible school. My elder brother was first.

Q:Were you part of a school sports team?
Elvin:I was a sipa player in elementary.

Q:Can you swim?
Elvin:I think. With some adrenaline.

Q:If a genie grants you three wishes, what will you wish for?
Elvin:A hundred more genies.

Q:What is love?
Elvin:Tough one. Mmmm... it's when rabbits lay eggs.

Note: elvinelvinelvin still accepts more letters and questions from fans. elvin said he enjoyed giving advice. Mail them to

The most comprehensive unofficial elvin fan site on the web.

© 2002 Nevil Lacunio
Quezon City, Philippines
elvinelvinelvin is a birdworks website.