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elvin graduates from college.
Take a look at elvin's yearbook write-ups!

Yearbook write-up number 1(written by Red)
He would want these to be written about him: Elvin is charming, witty and super talented. ALthough his friends would laugh and tell him, "Ang yabang mo," they would know that they're true.

Elvin is charming, in his own, weird and annoyingly cute (?) way. Don't laugh. ANyone, who knows him, would agree.

Who wouldn't be charmed anyway? He would usually pass by the halls of Mass Comm and greet people with his resounding "Hi!" followed by a smile and/or a laugh. Every moment with Elvin is a hoot. It's an unending time of laughter and fun. His charisma knows no bounds.

Elvin is witty too.

This guy always carries a bag full of tricks. He is always up to date with the news, especially about pop stars (i.e. Britney, Mandy and Christina, with a dash of boy bands). He has an unending supply of wise cracks that he dishes out at the right moments. Elvin is virtually a walking icebreaker.

And finally, his claim to fame, he's super talented. He is a web master, photographer, writer, storyteller, all-around friend, philosopher (as in pilosopo), part-time psychologist, PR man, advertiser...the list goes on. It could be said that he does so many stuff, a person would wonder if he were actually human. Hmmm... come to think of it, Super Elvin doesn't sound bad. Yup, he's that talented.

But, at the end of the day, no adjective is apt to describe him. Maybe it's enough to say that Elvin is an Elvin.

Yearbook write-up number 2(written by Berns)
Talent. Pure, unadulterated, undiluted talent

For this, Elvin is unapologetic and takes no prisoners. If talent were a star, then Elvin would be a supernova. Let's see... he's a writer, photographer, storyteller, PR man, advertiser, layout artist, webmaster, stand-up comic...the list goes on. And no one who has been with Elvin for a span of five seconds will dare say otherwise. Add to that witches'brew of talent, wit so sharp it could split an eyelash and a greeting so loud and funny and delivered with such FLAIR, you'd know you were in the presence of a genius. And if one still finds cause to doubt the adulations stated herein, then simply log on to www.elv...(oops, plugging). Alternatively, walk up to Elvin and engage him in conversation. Then you'll discover for yourself that Elvin is a pop-culture critic, an artist, a video-editor-animator-in-the-making aaand...a SINGER.

Of course, that isn't why people love him. Yeah sure, they're in awe of him. But that isn't the same as loving him. Because beneath the barbs, the wry comebackr, the flightiness characteristic of geniuses, the awe-inducing talent, the fiery temperament, the annoting cuteness, Elvin is Elvin. And that's why we love him. Elvin is Elvin. Figure it out.

Yearbook write-up number 3(written by Tarra)
Elvin once said that if laughter is the best medicine, then "Elvin"is the best pharmacy.

Well, I am one of Elvin's believers. In fact, I am an Elvin addict. At least just one of them.

Yes, Elvin does offer the most effective over-the-counter drug against mild to chronic depressions and even the worst case of alienation. Elvin's got the best cure from the "don't-bother-me-I've-got-a-deadline-to-beat" syndrome and the "I-flunk-my-test-and-I-can-never-smile-again"complex, two conditions common among college students.

And what is this medicine you may ask? None other than the clever, incomparable jokes that he so effortlessly delivers just at the right time. And the best thing about it is, it's free!

Many have come forward to testify about the wonders that Elvin does to erase that frown off anyone's face.

"Elvin really works! One time, I sucked in my Nat.Sci. exam. I was really down that time and I couldn't smile at all. Then suddenly, I saw Elvin at the skywalk. He noticed that I was sad so he bagan talking to me. Just seconds later I was laughing my heart out! I was like holding my stomach because it was beginning to hurt out of too much laughter! Since then, I make sure to get a dose of Elvin at least once a day to ensure that I'll have a smile on my face. It really was a miracle!" (Mandy, Journ major)

So what are you waiting for? Look for Elvin right now to avail of this medical wonder that even science could not explain. Soon enough, you'll be saying, Öh Elvin, I just can't smile without you!"

But wait there's more!

Elvin can give you free lessons on website construction and layout! If you would really insist, he is also willing to give you free voice lessons! So hurry! offer is good for the first 20 callers! Why wait? Call Elvin's toll free number at 1-908-1-ELVIN right now! All our operators are standing by!

The most comprehensive unofficial elvin fan site on the web.

© 2002 Nevil Lacunio
Quezon City, Philippines
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