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The making of elvinelvinelvin

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The making of elvinelvinelvin
The title says it all. See how this website was developed and created.

It all started with a dream...

elvinelvinelvin is created by elvin's number one fan, Nevil Lacunio. With the help of other elvin fans, he painstakingly collected articles, photos and news about elvin, risking his life and his freedom. He faced numerous trials and hardships just to bring elvin fans the best of the elvin world.

Why green?
Nevil chose the color green because he was eating a green apple when he was conceptualizing this website. Green is also Nevil's favorite color because he studies at De La Salle. When he transfers to Ateneo, he'll be coloring this site blue.

Who were the people involved?
Nevil would like to thank other fans who contributed to this site. special thanks to Fatty for some of the photographs, to UPJC for some of the photographs, to elvin for, still, some of the photographs. Special thanks to Leniv for the financial support and to Velin for the moral support. Some more special thanks for Envil and Vinel for the efforts. And of course, to Nevil's teacher.

What more can we expect from this site?
This site will continue to bring you exclusive news on elvin. And because elvin's official website's site administrator became too lazy to finish the official site, elvinelvinelvin might become elvin's official website. Not bad.

Please continue visiting this site. More updates coming to you...every month!

elvinelvinelvin is a certified birdworks website

The most comprehensive unofficial elvin fan site on the web.

© 2002 Nevil Lacunio
Quezon City, Philippines
elvinelvinelvin is a birdworks website.