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Raft gets into water for another trip to the boat from the island after loading it with stuff to transport it to the boat while packing off after the event - very rough sea, high depth of  sea (over 60 feet within 8-10 feet from rock), an over-bouyant raft makes each trip so exciting that the observers, more particularly, owners of the stuff on each trip, get very very anxious. One loose knot, you can say goodbye to your equipment! The sea was so calm while we got to the island two days ago, that we hardly realised how difficult this thing can actually get! Adding to the troubles, the boat people refuse to come close to the rock as they do not want to risk the boat coming towards the rock which can cause severe damage to the delicate boats. They stay about 150-200 feet away in the sea, to where all these things have to be transported using this shaky raft.


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