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YL Sukanya Rao (Sukanya)

With a post Graduate degree in Commerce, this young lady is a lecturerer in a management institute teaching Financial management to budding managers of tomorrow. (Now we know how Ro (VU2RDQ, is Sukanya's OM) keeps getting prosperous!)
As a HAM she likes to chew rags for long hours, but sometimes finds it hard to pull the mike from VU2RDQ OM Rohit. It is said they first met during a JOTA - and as a rule, both of 'em even to this day, relegiously set up and operate a special station on every JOTA opportunity..
Other Interests include OM Ro, hiking & camping, loves to read, Reiki, YOGA & meditation.

QSL Info:
P.O. Box 1006, 
Mangalore - 575008, INDIA



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