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Pencil Mediums


Realism is the form of art that shows how things are in everyday life. It could be painted or drawn landscapes, pets, fruit, or portraits. They all represent realism.

Realism vs. Cartooning

Realism is obviously different from cartooning in that cartoons do not represent how anything is seen or portrayed in everyday life. Realism actually shows people and objects as they are, just like photographs. Although cartoons have representations of objects and people, they do not show them as they really are, but usually exaggerate some qualities and minimize others.

Drawing of Jack Black

Drawing of Jack Black. Mixed Media: Graphite & No. 2 Pencil. 2003. Angela Schwengler.

Drawing of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Wolverine. Media: No. 2 Pencil. 2003. Angela Schwengler.

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