Heimasiša Evu Huldar/The homepage of Eva Huld.
Žann 3.oktober 1998 giftist eg yndislegum manni sem heitir Olafur Runar Isaksson. Bruškaupid for fram i Seljakirkju i yndislegu vešri og dagurinn i heild var frabęr. Ef žiš viljiš sja myndir fra žeim degi, veljiš tenglana her fyrir nešan. / On the 3.rd of October 1998 I married a wonderful man named Olafur Runar Isaksson. The wedding took place in a church called Seljakirkja in wonderful weather, and the whole day was great. If you want to see pictures from that day, click on the links here below.
Fyrri bruškaupssiša/wedding page number 1.
Seinni bruškaupssiša/wedding page number 2.
I januar 1999 komumst viš aš žvi aš eg er ofrisk, okkur til mikillar anęgju. Ef žiš viljiš sja myndir af mer og barninu ašur en hun fęddist, veljiš tenglana her fyrir nešan./In January 1999 we discovered I was pregnant, much to our delight. If you want to see pictures of me and  the baby before she was born, click on the links below.
Sonar og magamyndir./Ultrasound and bellypictures.
8.oktober 1999, kl. 07.46 kom litil stulka i heiminn. Ef žiš viljiš sja myndir fra žvi rett eftir fęšinguna, veljiš tenglana her fyrir nešan. /On October 8 1999, at 7.46 a.m. a little girl was born. If you want to see pictures from right after the birth,  click on the links below.
Fyrstu myndirnar og fęšingasagan/First pictures and the birth story.
Aušvitaš voru teknar fullt af myndum a fyrstu manušum barnsins. Ef žu vilt sja žęr, veldu ža tenglana her fyrir nešan./Of course we took alot of pictures of babys first months. If you would like to see them, click on the links below.
Siša 1-Myndir fra fyrstu manušunum./Page 1-Pictures from the first months.
Siša 2-Myndir fra fyrstu manušunum./Page 2-Pictures from the first months.
Siša 3-Myndir fra fyrstu manušunum./Page 3-Pictures from the first months.
19.desember 1999 var barniš skirt i Seljakirkju. Hun hlaut nafniš Gušlaug Osk, i höfušiš af ömmu sinni og mošursystur. Ef žu vilt sja myndir fra skirninni, veldu tenglana her fyrir nešan./ The babys christening was held on december 19th, 1999. She got the name Gušlaug Osk, named after her grandmother and her aunt. If you want to see pictures from the christening, click on the links below.
Skirnarsiša/Christening page.
Siša-1-Myndir af Gušlaugu Osk, 15.4.2000./Page-1-Pictures of Gušlaug Osk, 15.april 2000.
Siša-2-Myndir af Gušlaugu Osk, 15.4.2000.Ungbarnasund.
/Page-2-Pictures of Gušlaug Osk, 15.april 2000.Infant swimming classes.
Žegar žetta er skrifaš er Gušlaug Ósk oršin rśmlega 8 mįnaša og vex og dafnar. Hun brosir og hlęr og leikur ser og er mjög hamingjusamt barn. Hśn kann aš sitja sjįlf, skrķša og standa upp. Ef žś vilt sjį nżjar myndir af henni, veldu žį tenglana hér fyrir nešan./ When this is written, Gušlaug Osk is over 8 months old and is fine and healthy and growing like a weed. She smiles and laughs and plays and is a very happy baby. She can sit up on her own, crawl and stand up. If you want to see new pictures of her, click on the links here below.
Sķša 1- Nżjar myndir af Gušlaugu Ósk, 19. jśnķ 2000./ Page 1- New pictures of Gušlaug Ósk, June 19th 2000.
Sķša 2- Nżjar myndir af Gušlaugu Ósk, 19. jśnķ 2000/ Page 1- New pictures of Gušlaug Ósk, June 19th 2000.
Nżjustu myndir af Gušlaugu Ósk, jślķ 2000. /The newest pictures of Gušlaug Ósk, july 2000.
Skošašu og skrifašu i gestabokina mina/View and sign my guestbook.
Tölvuposturinn minn/My e-mail.