Jesus must fulfill the Law and the Prophets before the heaven and the earth pass away. After the Millennium Rule by our Lord Jesus Christ, the New Heaven and the New Earth will replace the present heaven and earth which will be consumed by fire. This chapter will deal with the fulfillment of the Jewish feasts by our Lord.






Feast of Unleavened Bread

7 days

15th day of 1st month day after the passover
Feast of Harvest of Firstfruits or Feast of Weeks

1 day

50 days after 1st sheaf
Feast of Ingathering or Feast of Tabernacles

7 days

After gathering in the labors out of the field at the end of the year.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread was celebrated on the 1st month starting from the 15th day of the month and was observed for 7 days. Since the Lunar year (Biblical year) was almost 11 days shorter than the Solar year (Present Calendar system or Gregorian year), the Jewish New Year was observed 11 days (exactly 10.8757 days) earlier every year . An example:- If the Jewish New Year falls on 1st.January in 1947 , then the next Jewish New Year will fall on the 21st. December 1947 AD (11 days shorter), and the subsequent Jewish New Year will fall on the 10th December 1948 (again 11 days shorter). Thus, after a period of 33 or 34 Jewish years ( i.e. 33.58 Jewish years) the Jewish New year will again coincide with the Gregorian New year (i.e. 1st January) after gaining a year in the process. i.e. 33.58 Jewish (Lunar) years = 32.58 Gregorian (Solar) years.

The Feast of the Harvest of the firstfruits (Weeks) was dependent upon the season and the first cereal produce of the field for that particular new year. If the Jewish New Year fell between the months of mid-April and July, then the feast of Weeks was observed in late Summer for the firstfruits of the field would be the summer wheat harvest. If the Jewish New Year fell on or before mid-May, then the Feast of the Harvest of the firstfruits would be observed in late Spring for the firstfruits of the field would be the spring barley harvest.

The Feast of Tabernacles or Ingathering was the feast to celebrate the final Harvest (labour out of the field) of that year, and it was celebrated only after the cereals were gathered in. It could either be at the spring or summer harvest.




Jewish New Year 1st. day of the 1st. month {Abib} Overflowing of the Jordan River. {Jos 3:15}
Feast of Weeks #Firstfruit is the wheat harvest. {Exo 34:22} *Fristfruit is the grian harvest. {Lev 23:10}
Feast of Tabernacles End of the year. {Ex 23:16} 15th day of the 7th. month {Lev 23:24}

However, whenever the Feast of the Tabernacle fell on the 15th day of the seventh month (to remember the time they entered Canaan Land), the seventh month was a special month. The 1st day of the seventh month would be the Feast of the Blowing of Trumpets. The 10th day of the month would be the Feast of Atonement. From the 15th day of the month the Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated for seven days during which time the Israelites would dwell in booths in remembrance of their stay in the wilderness. Once every 33 1/2 years (33 or 34 years) this Feast would be celebrated in this special way. For that particular year, there would be 7 Jewish Feasts instead of the normal 5 annual Feasts. [Note:- Our Lord dwelled on earth for 33 1/2 years before His resurrection and return to the Kingdom of God]

{The American Peoples Encyclopedia - Wheat. Wheat harvest in the Mediterranean is in June. Harvested wheat sheaves usually remain in the stack for several weeks to undergo a sort of fermentation, called "sweating", before it is threshed.} During the period of "sweating" in the month of July and August, the fruits are being harvested and processed if necessary. The Feast of Tabernacles of the summer harvest was observed in early September after the produce from the threshing floor and the winepress were gathered in, whereas the Feast of the Harvest of firstfruits of the field (Weeks) of the same summer harvest was observed in July for this feast was held on the 50th day after the waving of the sheaf by the Priest.


Note -The Jewish day begins from 6 pm. to the following day 6 pm. e.g. The Passover Feast which is on observed on the 14th. day of the 1st. month will commence at 6 pm. (twilight) of the 14th day and ends at 6 pm. the next day.



Before the Israelites left Egypt during the Passover (7th Jun or the 14th day of the 1st. month in their Calendar), they partook of the Passover Lamb and Unleavened bread. From then on they ate unleavened bread for seven days. A few days later (possibly 3 days after the Passover) would have been the Waving of the sheaf of the firstfruits of harvest on the 1st. day of the week (Lev 23:10-11). 50 days later (Lev 23:15-21) was the celebration of the Feast of the Harvest of the firstfruits (Weeks) of the wheat harvest in late July (possibly 28th. July). The Feast of the Ingathering was at early May (end of the year in their Calendar).

Other Years with Identical times

Since after every 33 1/2 (33.58) Jewish years, the dates of the Lunar and Solar Calendars coincide (or 1 cycle), these feasts observed on the dates in the year 1392 BC will also be celebrated again on identical times during the years 1358/9 BC , 1325 BC, 1291/2 BC, 1973 AD, 2006 AD, etc. . Please refer to FIG A  - concerning the Feasts fulfilled by Jesus.



The Jewish New Year was on 15th. March (Season for the harvest of barley) and the 1st day of the feast of Tabernacle fell on the 15th day of the seventh month which was assumed to be on the 22nd. September (the most likely date)1352 BC.

You shall keep it (Feast of Tabernacles) as a feast to the Lord for seven days in the year<08141>. It shall be a statute forever in your generations. You shall celebrate it in the seventh month. Lev 23:41

The wrong interpretation of `the year' to `each year' (instead of `that year' as it would have been the proper translation) in the newer translations had misled many scholars to revert to the use of the present Hebrew calendar. An additional word {kol} should have been attached to the word {shaneh} if the translation is to be `each year'.

Because the Feast of Tabernacle fell on the 15th day of the seventh month only once every 33 1/2 years, the Israelites celebrated it only once by dwelling in booths in the days of Joshua and this practice was soon forgotten by subsequent generations. The second time that this feast was celebrated by the dwelling in booths was in 412 BC, after the Israelites returned from their exile in Babylon.

The Israelites entered Canaan Land in late February at the time when the Jordan River overflowed its banks during the period of the barley harvest. They ate cereal from the land on the day after the Passover Feast (Jos 5:11), so the Waving of the Sheaf, which was observed on the 1st. day of the week (Lev 23 10-11) would fall within the few days after Passover (possibly 3 days). The Feast of the Harvest of the Firstfruits was held 50 days after the Waving of the Sheaf. {Please refer to FIG A to understand the fulfillment of these Feasts by our Lord Jesus}

After the summer harvest, the first day of the seventh month would be the Feast of Blowing of Trumpet (Trumpets sounded to inform the people to assemble before God... Num 10:2-4), the tenth day would be the Feast of Atonement (Afflicting the souls and offering of animal sacrifices to make atonement for themselves.. Lev 23:27-32 ), and the 15th. day would be the beginning of the seven-day Feast of Ingathering or Tabernacles. This harvest was of both wheat and fruits. This Feast was held after the wine {processed grapes- Christians (new wine) purified through trials, persecutions, sufferings,} and threshed (separated) wheat {Jews (holy) obeying the Word - Jesus.. John 5:46} were gathered into the barns. Refer to FIG A- Chart of the Fulfillment of the Seventh Month Feasts. [Is it possible that the Seventh month Feasts will only be fulfilled in the Seventh Millennium ?]



  • 1st Day of the 7th month.
  • Num 10:2-4; Lev 23:24
  • The trumpets will herald Jesus appearing in the cloud and at the sound of the last trumpet, His angels will gather all His elects (overcoming Christians) from the four corners of the earth. This is the gathering of Christians into the Kingdom of heaven [Rapture] to appear before God (Rev 7:9-17). The Trumpet also herald in the seventh month (Millennium). Psalms 18:3....trumpet to herald in the new moon.
  • 10th Day of the 7th month
  • Lev 4:13-21; 16:29-34; 23:26-32
  • After the Rapture, only the Jews, unbelievers and all those worldly and misled Christians will be left behind on this earth. This is the period when the Israelites (remnant.. Rom 9:27) will repent of their stiff-neck and sins (Rev 11:13) and will then follow the Lamb of God (Rev 7:1-8; 14:1-5) and be saved (Rom 11:25-27).
  • 15 th. Day of the 7th. month
  • Exo 23:16; Lev 23:34-43
  • At the end of the seven year ( last week in Dan 9:27 - read the chapter on `Last seven years of the Jews' ), will witness the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will stand on Mount Zion for the final deliverance of the Israelites and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth for a thousand years as the King of kings and the Lord of lords {anointing of the Most Holy ( Dan 9:24 ) - the Israelites accepting Jesus Christ as their Messiah. } During the Millennium Rule of Jesus only the Feast of Tabernacles will be observed ( Zec 14:16).
  • On the 8th day all the Israelites must assemble before God. The assembly before the Great White Throne of God at the beginning of the 8th Millennium (the start of eternity), where God will pronounce His final judgment.






    • The Feast of Tabernacles or Ingathering also signifies God's dwelling amongst men on earth.
    • 3 times God will dwell amongst men in different types of Temple


    Physical buildings

    God dwell in the tabernacles of Moses. At a later date in the tabernacle of David, Solomon's Temple, etc. During the period of Law, God would only dwell in physical buildings (i.e. building made with human hands)


    Human Bodies

    God came to earth in the form of a human through Jesus Christ, dwelling in the human body (The WORD became flesh). After the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, all believers (whose sins and iniquities were cleansed by the blood of the Lamb of God) are now the Temple of God, for the Spirit of God dwells within us. The Holy Spirit was poured upon mankind durng Pentacost, i.e. 50 days after the resurrection of our Lord. Ever since then, God dwells in the human bodies of believers, created by God to be in His image. ( 1 Cor 3:16)


    Heavenly Bodies

    The next time God will dwell amongst mankind will be in the Second Coming of Jesus. He wll come in the form of the glorious, incorruptible body, a heavenly Body. He will dwell in this heavenly body form for the whole period of His Millennium Rule on earth. We, who are part of the first resurrection, will rule with Him in our new incorruptible bodies during the thousand years and thereafter with Him throughout eternity.



    Other Years of identical times

    These feasts observed on the dates in the year 1352 BC will also be celebrated again during the years  412 AD, 1973/4 AD, 2013/4 AD, etc.


    Leaving the Land of bondage

    1392 BC


    Entering the Promised land


    1352 BC

    2nd time dwelling in booths (Neh 8:14-18)


    412 BC

    Liberation of Jerusalem

    1967 AD



    2006/7 AD


    2013/4 AD

    2nd. COMING ?



    Will the year 2006/7 AD see the deliverance of mankind

    from this wicked world (Land of Bondage) ?

    Will the year 2013/4 AD see the Millennium Rule

    of our Lord Jesus Christ (Promised Land) ?


    Other Endtime Events

    The fulfillment of 1991AD `Gulf War' in Prophecy

    The Consequences of Attacking Iraq


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