The sign of the Leo in Western Astrology
Compatibility Chart

Characterization & Love Compatibility List for the Leo


Leo(July 23 - August 22)

House: Fifth
Gemstone: Ruby
New age stone: Topaz, sardonyx
Color: Gold, scarlett
Opposite sign: Aquarius
Least Compatible with: Pisces,Capricorn
Ruling Planet : The Sun
Element: Fire
Anatomy ruled: Heart, upper back
Flower: Marigold
Most compatible with: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo
Your tarot card: VIII Strength

Usually:Generous, assertive, faithful and responsible.
Can be:Smug, pompous, stubborn and arrogant.

Beautiful sunny Leo, outshines every other sign in the zodiac. Their fiery emotion and enthusiasm and sunny disposition makes them greatly charismatic.
Leo's can be terribly stubborn, haughty and very pompous and bossy. But there is a powerful, hidden sensitivity in the Leonine personality. Those who get close to Leo's will soon realise that they have vast depths and that their aloofness is part of their other-worldly nature.
Leo has a huge creative urge which must be expressed or they can become very disruptive and unhappy. This is often through art or music but can also be through craft or practical work.
Leo's will try to control their partners but are surprisingly sensitive and will retreat rather than threaten the security of their relationship. They love luxury and comfort.

Ruling planet
In Greek mythology, Apollo was the son of Zeus, King of the Gods. He is one of the most prominent figures in Western Mythology.
Apollo was the God of the Sun, logic and reason and a fine musician and healer. He embodies the purity and brightness of the Sun itself and is often depicted naked; an archetype of physical perfection.
Apollo's mother, Leto travelled all over Greece to find a place to give birth. She finally came upon an island named Delos. The island agreed to allow the birth of Apollo if he in turn founded a temple on the island. Leto agreed and when Apollo grew up he changed Delos into a beautiful island. His most famous sacred place was Delphi, site of the famous Oracle.

Leo love and Relationships
You have no trouble attracting romantic partners as they are utterly beguiled by your vitality and fiery enthusiasm. Nor do you suffer any lack of confidence approaching those who appeal to you. Your self esteem is high to the point of pomposity and you can hardly believe that any woman could refuse you - which probably doesn’t happen very often.
You cannot resist beauty and an attractive woman will never fail to turn your head.
When you are in love you are generous and affectionate but you do need plenty of space and freedom to express yourself. If you start to feel penned in you will quickly become restless and dissatisfied.
You need a partner who will absolutely adore you and lavish you with love and affection. A woman who will look up to you and respect you yet will nurture and support you when you are feeling vulnerable. And simply nothing less will do !

Leo compatibility

Aries and Leo
This can be a great match, as both sides are emotional in their make up. This is particularly true if the aries allows the leo to hold the center of the floor on occasions. Their sex life will be great if infidelity is kept to a minimum or completely eliminated. This is because they will probably find what they want from each other. The leo likes the agressive tendencies of a person and that is exactly what the aries is (an agressive person), making it an ideal match.

Taurus and Leo
This makes for a good match. This is especially true when each partner understands the errors of the other. Both of these signs have a love for the finer things of life, and as long as the taurus restrains its jealousy and lets the leo show off a bit of himself, the relationship will work perfectly.

Gemini and Leo
The two are normally not suited for each other, but still can make a good combination. The leo loves with his heart first, while the gemini loves with his mind. Both of them are naturally attracted to glamor, flattery and good fellowship. But for the relationship to work, the leo will have to understand that the gemini will not always be around to give the leo the attention they thrive on, and the gemini will need to understand that the leo needs to run the world.

Cancer and Leo
These two will usually make a good combination. The huge heart of the leo will soon forgive the moody outbursts that the cancer can show from time to time. The cancer will feel a bit more at ease around the leo and will probably let the leo run things or at least let him think that he is in charge. On the other hand, the leo will appreciate the attention of the cancer, and the relationship will work as long as he can forget that he feels neglected from times to times when the leo is out running the world.

Leo and Leo
This should be a good match. The leo is a positive person and loves to be the center of attention. The leo wants to be the head of his social groups. However, both are competing for leadership, and with time unhappiness can result from this situation. In order for the realtionship to work, the women will need to be content with ruling the household and the man ruling the business and the social life.

Virgo and Leo
The two have a good chance of making a good combination. For this to happen, the leo will need to overlook the virgo tendency to be critical, while the virgo will need to take pride in the accomplishments of the leo. The leo will need to respect the clever and alert mentality of the virgo. If the virgo permits the leo to hog the limelight and refrain from being too critical of the leo, they should have no real barriers to a happy and successful relationship.

Libra and Leo
The two may not make a good match. The hale and hearty nature of the leo may prove to be too much for the sensitive nature of the libra, even though they have alot in common that could make for a good relationship. Both partners love luxuries, flattery and are very artistically inclined. The leo demands constant adulation which may cause some problems.

Scorpio and Leo
These two will make a good match because their shinning personalities join together. They have alot in common, especially when the leo is the woman and the scorpio is the man. Jealousy plays a major role in relationship conflicts. This should make for one of the most compatible combinations, but long and happy relationship will depend on which sex is which sign.

Sagittarius and Leo
These two will make a perfect match most of the time. Both love change and excitement and have a great zest for life. However, they are both are domineering which could lead to trouble if the leo tries to relegate the sagittarius to the side. The sagittarius with is independent nature would rebel, and this could lead to a serious rift in the relationship. For the relationship to work, the sagittarius will need to restrain his desire for to much freedom.

Capricorn and Leo
This may not be a combination. The slow capricorn may prove to be too much for the carefree nature of the leo. This pair would not form the ideal basis for mutual understanding. The capricorn has the tendency to have suspicious motives, while the leo will wholeheartedly enter the arena with no thought of consequences . The attitude of the leo will prove to be too much for the capricorn to cope with through the long run.

Aquarius and Leo
These two will usually make a good match. The leo likes to be surprised and the aquarius will be happy to provide some. Both partners like to do things for others. Each have a mutual understanding of the other when it comes to intimate matters, needs and desires. There is never a dull moment in their lives as the aquarius holds many surprises for the leo.

Pisces and Leo
The two will probably not make a good combination. The strong and hearty temperament of the leo may be too much for the subtle and sensitive pisces. The pisces takes on the changing moods of any relationship. While the leo is flattered by the dependency of others, if he abused the pisces, the resentment of the pisces may be too much for the leo to take over a long period of time.

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Numerology Compatibility

Leo has a huge creative urge which must be expressed or they can become very disruptive and unhappy. This is often through art or music but can also be through craft or practical work.
Numerology uses numbers to analyze personality and predict events. The vibration of your birth number determines your temperament. Each number carries a particular vibration, odd numbers are more powerful and therefore regarded as masculine, even numbers are softer and feminine.
One of the most interesting uses of the Chinese Zodiac is exploring the compatibility of signs. That is, which duos will make good lovers? friends? partners?
It is believed that the zodiacal signs originated in Mesopotamia as early as 2000 BC when ancient astronomers recorded the sun's yearly journey across the celestial sphere.

Chinese Astrology

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Ram Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Western Astrology

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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