The sign of the Libra in Western Astrology
Compatibility Chart

Characterization & Love Compatibility List for the Libra


Libra(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

House: Seventh
Gemstone: Opal
New age stone: Tourmaline, kunzite
Color: Blue, pink
Opposite sign: Aries
Least Compatible with: Pisces, Taurus
Ruling Planet : Venus
Element: Air
Anatomy ruled: Kidneys, lower back, appendix
Flower: Rose
Most compatible with: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Your tarot card: XI Justice

Usually:Artistic, poised, objective and charming.
Can be:Indecisive, thoughtless, self-absorbed and flirtatious

This is the sign of fairness and justice. Librans dislike confrontation and argument and have a natural ability to weigh up both sides of the picture - which can make them a bit indecisive.
Ruled by Venus, Librans are naturally beautiful. They enjoy luxury and have a great appreciation of aesthetics.
This Libran personality is highly romantic and can fall deeply in love very easily. As a partner they are relaxed and easygoing. They are wonderful, easy company and will always make time to listen.

Ruling planet
Venus is the legendary Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty. She is identified with the Greek Goddess Aphrodite and inherits her characteristics of beauty, femininity and sexuality. In the grounds of her temple were groves in which worshippers could make love.
Venus is the only planet to be named after a Goddess and most of her planetary features are also named after Goddesses. These include the Norse Goddess Sif, wife of Thor the mighty God of Thunder.
Sif symbolised fidelity in marriage. She bore two sons Magni and Modi whose names respectively mean 'strength' and 'anger' - characteristics that they inherited from their father.
When Loki cut off Sif's long blonde hair, Thor caught him and squeezed him until he begged for mercy. To gain his freedom, Loki convinced dwarves to spin hair from gold that would flow from Sif's head.

Libra Love and Relationship
Libra is ruled by harmonious Venus, the planet of Love and Beauty and these are precisely the qualities you look for in a partner. A permanent and secure relationship are of great importance to you but you won’t settle for just anyone, in fact you are very choosy. Nonetheless you are highly romantic and will fall deeply in love very quickly when the right person comes along.
You love balance and harmony but when these are threatened you have a tendency to be jealous and over-dependent. To get the best from your relationships you need to understand that love and affection are not possessions.

Libra compatibility report

Libra - Aries Compatibility Astrologically this is an ideal relationship. Libra should learn to balance the extreme nature of Aries. It is quite likely that Libra has to make more adjustment, Whereas Aries will accept total loyalty from Libra, Aries will not give up his/her freedom. Aries idiosyncrasies can at times be exasperating, but Libra has enough tolerance. These are two opposite signs which compliment each other. There is great understanding and rapport. Both indulge in mild flirtation, but both have to be cautious that none gets seriously entangled elsewhere. Romantic escapades can cause a rift in this relationship. Between these two opposites, Aries and Libra, there is a powerful initial attraction. In certain areas each supplies what the other lacks. For one, Aries's aggressiveness arouses Libra's sensual potential. Their love life may be unconventional. However, Libra really wants peace, quiet, and harmony -while Aries wants action and adventure. Both like social fife, entertaining, and pleasure, but both are restless in different ways. In time Libra will look for someone less demanding, and Aries will bind someone more adoring. Marvelous affair; poor marriage. There is a lot of sexual tension between these to signs and tension means Passion. Aries loves the strength and beauty in the Libra and Libra loves the strength and beauty in the Aries. Both Air and Fire and Masculine signs so strength matters to both and beauty matters a lot to the Libra. Neither are afraid to heat up the room with their passion and as we said earlier, Air and Fire feed each other. Once the love act is through, off they go to another adventure, Libra to the social world and Aries to another adventure.

Libra - Taurus Compatibility Taurus individuals intrigue you, mystify you, and, at times, put you in your place. Both your signs, Libra, and Taurus are associated with the planet Venus- and this is a pleasure-seeking combination. You feel deeply with Taurus. You don't do anything halfway. It is all the way - or nothing. Taurus touches that part of your chart related to money from unusual sources, legacies, a mate or partner's finances, the occult, the hidden, mystery and metaphysics. Listen, Libra: you are a person who is aware of rights, of justice and injustice. Taurus tends to perch, to protect a piece of ground. In combination, you might become impatience with the patience of Taurus. Taurus could cause you to borrow money. Taurus affects you in a manner which causes a sigh, a Thought that perhaps settling down might be the solution. But to settle down in the comfort to which you both would like to be accustomed takes money. So, a loan borrowing from partners, friends or a bank comes into the picture. The Venus of Taurus and the Venus of Libra spell social activity, luxury. Listen - when you get together with Taurus a dent is made, money is spent loans are negotiated. It could be positive, and could lead to happiness. It all depends on the individual Taurus and on you. Basically, you will laugh with Taurus. You will enjoy luxury, but you will want finer things, you will need more than mere possessions. This is where Taurus could fall short. You may feel Taurus is too blunt, too earthy. You could say things, which hurt Taurus. And once Taurus is aroused, there is retaliation. The relationship succeeds as long as there is laughter. After and beyond that . . . it depends on how the complete horoscopes harmonize, or otherwise. It certainly, however, is worth a try!

Libra - Gemini Compatibility This relationship may hit it off right off from the start! Both Air signs will value and respect each other's sense of individuality. No domineering factor will pose a threat. There will be caring and loving with all the trimmings in place. There will not be any shortage of romance and mood settings. But on the practical side, Libra may look for a security and harmony that the Gemini may fail to provide. Practical duties may be neglected and Libra may try to change the situation for better. Any kind of deceit, if unveiled, will take the relationship downhill. A Libra is highly sexed and can provide mental stimulation extremely well. When in love, a Libra will go lengths to please the partner. This may be a good relationship!.

Libra - Cancer Compatibility These two will not make for a perfect match. The cancer is not temperamentally suited to cope with the freedom loving libra. They could ignore themself for days if they have a serious disagreement. The libra great desire for attention may bring a period of depression that could create a controversial situation. Even if the libra loves justice and fair play, the cancer has a tendency to take advantage of all of these quality for his own use.

Libra - Leo Compatibility The two may not make a good match. The hale and hearty nature of the leo may prove to be too much for the sensitive nature of the libra, even though they have alot in common that could make for a good relationship. Both partners love luxuries, flattery and are very artistically inclined. The leo demands constant adulation which may cause some problems.

Libra - Virgo Compatibility This is a combination that would have a hard time to become a match. The one thing the libra can not take is criticism, and of course the virgo is a champion in that department. The virgo is very particular to details while, on the other hand, the libra is easygoing and detest details (he likes the big picture). This conflict of interest will cause a storm soon after the relationship is formed.

Libra - Libra Compatibility Now, this is the most difficult combination. You could get imbalance. You suffer from strange fears there is a lot of uncertainty and a feelings of insecurity in this association. If you give freedom to each other and do not interfere, you can live together. You have really a hard struggle to maintain your relationship. Two Librans are equally open, energetic, warm, sociable, and in love with beautiful things. But with these two there is a great sense of playing at love. They enjoy teamwork and social interaction more than most other folks. A problem is that neither wants to face reality. Though they are charming, peace-loving, and adaptable, each needs a stronger balance than the other can provide. Also, because they are so much alike, the specter of boredom lurks around the edges. But if both of them can find enough outside stimulation to whet their appetites, this can be an interesting liaison. Libra has a light and airy sexuality. Sex for most air signs is more of a relief from the mental strains of the world than it is a physical thing. Scorpio is often used synonymously with the word passion. There is a reason for that. Not many signs can remain in the depths of emotional passion for quite as long as the Scorpion. It's the same energy that allows them to obsess about a love they once had or about you if you are their focus. If Scorpio can keep it a tad lighter and Libra and come in just a bit more these 2 could have fun dirtying the sheets.

Libra - Scorpio Compatibility Your finances, personal possessions, your desire to acquire -these are affected by Scorpio. The Pluto of Scorpio, with your Venus, has an electric effect. You are, with Scorpio, independent and willing to take a chance; you become a pioneer with the spirit to match. There is great attraction here, but you tend to be slightly selfish. You want to add to your possessions. Scorpio gives you the feeling that gain is not only possible, but also likely. With Scorpio, you become more independent in thought and action- with, also, a tendency toward selfishness. That is, you know what you want and you insist on having it because, and it is within each. This is not like you. But, with Scorpio, there is brightness, hardness, a need- and you will go all out to fulfil it. Scorpio is fine for you in connection with new projects. If you want to embark on a unique, even a daring mutual project, Scorpio is the one for you. Scorpio can help you raise capital; Scorpio can help you obtain genuine bargains. Scorpio can help you obtain genuine bargains. Scorpio can add to your possessions. There is physical magnetism here; you are drawn to Scorpios. There is also conflict. You and Scorpio both desire to be first. Usually, you are gracious enough to wait, to demur, but when you're with Scorpio something gets into you. Impatience becomes the order of the day; it is a quest for being there first; for striving, for staking a claim. It's an exciting relationship. But who will be the boss? That question should be settled at the outset. It is important where Libra and Scorpio are concerned. And who will do the budget? That too is important. Preferably there should be a division: one handles the money, and the other makes final decisions on what to do with it. This is delicate, but necessary with Libra and Scorpio.

Libra - Sagittarius Compatibility These will probably represent a good match. The philosophy of life of the sagittarius may be to much for the free and easy going libra to cope with. However , this is a good relationship combination. The libra love of beauty, luxury and social whirl appeals to the nature of the sagittarius. The sagittarius hates bondage and can not be confined and will use all the means possible to break through bonds.

Libra - Capricorn Compatibility The two will make a good combination. On the surface these two seem to be on the opposite, but the taciturn capricorn is very much intrigued by the libra. If the libra does not find the steady nature of the capricorn too boring, there is good chance here for a successful relationship. But unless the capricorn can open up a little more, there could be problems.

Libra - Aquarius Compatibility This could represent be a good combination. The aquarius has perfect affinities for the libra. They both love beauty, society and people, so these help to make this an ideal relationship. However, a possible problem may be a misunderstanding because the aquarius partner is unpredictable from time to time and, for no reason at all, may seek seclusion and refuse to communicate.

Libra - Pisces Compatibility This may prove to be a hard match. This is especially true under intimate circumstances. The pisces will be content with the exclusive company of the libra, but the libra love of social affairs may generate jealousy and disharmony in the intimate relationship. The libra can get along well with a lot of people but, on the other hand, the pisces is more discriminating. So for the relationship to work, they will have to watch that.

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Numerology Compatibility

Librans dislike confrontation and argument and have a natural ability to weigh up both sides of the picture - which can make them a bit indecisive.
Numerology uses numbers to analyze personality and predict events. The vibration of your birth number determines your temperament. Each number carries a particular vibration, odd numbers are more powerful and therefore regarded as masculine, even numbers are softer and feminine.
One of the most interesting uses of the Chinese Zodiac is exploring the compatibility of signs. That is, which duos will make good lovers? friends? partners?
It is believed that the zodiacal signs originated in Mesopotamia as early as 2000 BC when ancient astronomers recorded the sun's yearly journey across the celestial sphere.

Chinese Astrology

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Ram Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Western Astrology

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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