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There are a lot of dangerous methods that people with eating disorders may try to lose weight. I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say don't try them because I've tried many of them myself. However, I will say be aware of the risks you are taking, and go into it with your eyes wide open. This page covers the main drastic measures, and the effects they can have.

You do not have to be taking a lot of laxatives every day to be abusing them. If you are taking them for any other reason than the one for which they are intended, you are abusing them. This can be very dangerous, and long-term abuse can lead to permanent bowel problems, even if you stop taking them.

The only weight you will lose from taking laxatives is water weight, and this can lead to dangerous electrolyte imbalances. As with vomiting, this can cause a heart attack. Since laxatives only work after digestion, all the calories and fat from the food have already been absorbed by the body. You may actually gain weight as a result of water retention.

Diuretics (also known as water pills) work by removing excess fluid from the body. Abuse of them can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalances and heart problems. As with laxatives, over-use can lead to water retention. they can also bring about kidney problems, or even failure.

Emetics (such as Syrup Of Ipecac) are intended only for use in emergencies such as poisoning. Some people use them to induce vomiting. An emetic may not just make you sick, but can cause hours of dry heaving, and the nausea may continue for several days. They can also cause instant death. Repeated use causes a build up of toxins which can induce heart attacks, as well as other serious problems.

Many diet pills are a complete waste of money. They may claim to help you lose 20 lbs in 2 days (ok, so I'm exaggerating here slightly!) but such extreme loss in such a short space of time isn't exactly healthy. A lot of diet pills also have pretty nasty side effects - insomnia, dry mouth, stomach upsets, strokes, heart attacks, death . . .

Many of the diet pills available contain ephedra (also known as ephedrine and ma huang). This is a banned substance in many countries, and has a lot of risks associated with it. It will suppress your appetite (for a couple of days until you become tolerant to it) but it will also make you restless and jittery, and may cause palpitations. I thought it would be okay to take 2 more diet pills than recommended. I ended up in hospital hooked up to an ECG in danger of killing myself. I was very lucky not to cause permanent damage to my heart.

Recently, there has been an increase in "Speed Dieting" where people use speed to suppress their appetite and lose weight. It works - the weight does drop off. You also find yourself paranoid, depressed, unable to sleep and long term use can lead to addiction, and thinning of the enamel on your teeth. Even after you stop taking amphetamines, the paranoia and mood swings can continue. By taking them, you risk giving yourself a heart attack - not to mention the legalities.