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I thought I'd use this page to write honest reviews of the various diet aids I've used, and that I think are worth having. Where possible, I have linked to items in the US, but some are only available in the UK. I'll also be linking to the places where I bought the items.

This is the first workout DVD I bought, and I have to say it's really good. There's a 10 minuted warm-up, a 20 minute dance section, another 20 minute high energy dance section, a toning section and a cool-down. You can do the whole video, or pick out the bits you want. The soundtrack is pretty good (if you don't mind dance music) and the dancers doing it are enviably toned. The routines are fairly easy to pick up, but they don't show how to do the moves - you just have to pick them up yourself. It took me a while to get the hang of some of them! It's definitely more fun than an aerobics class, but every bit as exhausting! It took me a while to be able to do the warm-up and 2 dance sections in one go!

I liked the first "Pump It Up" DVD so much that I bought this one as well. It's a lot less intense than the first one, and I find it's more fun, too. It's more dancy, and less like aerobics! The toning section focuses a lot more on the abs than in the first DVD, and this is a great one to use to improve your fitness without lweaving you in an exhausted heap at the end! I alternate the two DVDs and have noticed a significant imptrovement in my fitness, plus I don't get as bored!

This DVd hasn't actually been released yet, so I can't properly review it, but I've got it on order, and as soon as I've tried it out, I'll be adding more info here!