Friens of Pastoral Care Inc.

Our Patron
Micheal Dowd

Michael Dowd
L.L.B.,Grad.Dip.Law (Courts Admin), L.C.M

Leeton Hospital Board
Chairperson - 1980-1991

The health and well-being of this community is very important to me. Therefore I greatly appreciate the honour bestowed upon me by 'Friends of Pastoral Care Inc' in appointing me as the Patron of the Leeton and District 'Friends of Pastoral Care'.

In these increasingly materialistic days, with the breakdown of many natural support systems, the supportive, comforting and caring role of the Pastoral Carer in our hospitals and in our communities becomes daily more important.

Carers need support in many areas. Therefore, I totally commend the objects of the 'Friends' in providing that support, and in actively playing their part to promote the spiritual, psychological and physical health and well-being of our community.

Michael Dowd



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