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Members at Jacobsburg State Park.
The Easton, Pa. Memorial Day parade, May, 1997.

Honor guard for Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge at Jacobsburg State Park, September, 1997.
The 96th Pennsylvania formed with the 1st Pennsylvania Reserves at the 135th Antietam reenactment, September, 1997.

'In place, rest' at Jacobsburg State Park, October, 1997.
Everyone needs a quick cigar break.

The 96th Pa. formed with our German contingent at the 135th Gettysburg reenactment, July, 1998.
Some of our Germans who rioted during the 135th Gettysburg. The placard around the ringleader's neck reads "Scoundrel."

Officers and NCO's receiving orders at 135th Gettysburg.
What a great bivouac at 135th Gettysburg.

Four of our European comrades at 135th Gettysburg.
Rest, 96ers, rest at 135th Gettysburg.

"A sight not seen since the War itself" at 135th Gettysburg.
The annual National Regiment encampment at Fort McHenry, April, 1999.

The line of men marching to Devil's Den from the Pa. Monument, Gettysburg, August, 2000.
This is most likely to be Pvt. Paul Boccadoro's "Awkward Squad" impression.

Relaxing in camp at Eckley Miners' Village, August, 2000.
This is our pet Lieutenant. Isn't he cute?

96th Pa. marksmanship - Antietam Torchlight event, September, 2000.
Old Jonah and Pvt. Chris Holub at Burnside's Bridge, Antietam.

Chris Derocher as Corporal in 1998...
...and Chris Derocher as Sergeant in 2001. Oh, the humanity.

Some of the guys at Antietam National Battlefield.
Pvt. Tom Mulkern gets his new Corporal stripes sewn on at 140th Bull Run, August, 2001.

Pausing for a moment in the heat and humidity of 140th Bull Run for a group shot.

Lt. Rick Madzarac talks with Pvt. Terry Schall at the Gettysburg Military Demonstration, October, 2001.

A wetplate image made by Bob Szabo of Pvt. Paul Boccadoro at Fort McHenry, April, 2002.

Pvt. Paul Boccadoro, promoted to 1st Sergeant for a day at the Northampton Centennial event in May, 2002, shows off his chevron muscles.

"I told you privates to set up my tent...I said nothing about filling it with straw!"

Dusk at Camp Whitehall, June, 2002.

Pvt. Rob "Goucho Redd" Reed cuddles up for a nap with his favorite sandwich board.
Pvt. Pete LaBarbera, found with Yuengling beer in his haversack, is marched under guard around Camp Whitehall, June, 2002.

1st Sgt. John Morrow and Bugler Ryan Morrow arrive to camp at Gettysburg, July, 2002.
Two comrades enjoy a laugh at the Gettysburg event, July, 2002.

Some 96ers wait to cross the covered bridge outside Gettysburg, July, 2002.
Paul Martinello (left) of the 14th Ct. joins 96ers at Old Bethpage Village, Long Island, NY, July 2002.

Color guard of the 96th at the First Defenders monument in Pottsville, Pa., May, 2003