Sunday in the South

Bible Teaching and Sermons

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All contents copyright Gene Brooks – Updated 28 December 2008


Old Testament

New Testament

Resurrection through the Bible
A Meditation on Covenant
Five views of sanctification
Time management: How to handle time
The spirit of poverty
The effects of adultery
Bethlehem's caves and Jesus' birth
Christmas: A meditation on Messiah's coming
What the Bible says about secret societies
Why we do not celebrate Halloween
The Ordinances of Baptism and Lord's Supper
Our Suffering Brothers and Sisters: The Persecuted Church
The Lord's Prayer
Complete obedience
Compare Eve and Mary
Hannah and Joseph of Arimathea
The Secret of Joshua's Success
Genesis 45:1-24; 50:15-21: Overcoming Resentment
Genesis 48: What matters most in a father
Exodus 2:1-10: A Mother called Jochebed
Exodus 12:1-14: Christ our Passover Lamb
Exodus 14:10-31: When there Seems to be No Way
Exodus 15:1-7: Christ Our Strength, Our Shepherd
Exodus 15:22-27: Marah and Elim
Exodus 16:1-35: The Lessons of the Manna
Exodus 17:1-7: Water from the Rock
Exodus 17:8-16: The Lord My Banner
Exodus 18:1-12: Family Ties
Exodus 18:13-27: Jethro's Wise Counsel
Exodus 19:4-6: A King and His People
Exodus 19:1-25: A View from the Mountain
Exodus 20:1-11: The Ten Commandments: 1-4
Exodus 20:12-21: The Ten Commandments: 5-10
Exodus 23:1-9: Our God of Justice and Mercy
Exodus 24:1-18: Come up to Me on the Mountain
Exodus 32:1-14: Backsliding 101: The Golden Calf
Exodus 32:15-35: The Crisis Sin Causes
Exodus 33: The people, the prayer, and the Presence
Exodus 34:29-35: The Radiant Face of Moses
Exodus 35:20-36:7: When there are willing hearts
Exodus 39:32-43; 40:34-38: Finish the Work - Follow the Cloud
Leviticus 1:1-9: The Burnt Offering
Leviticus 6:8-13: Keep the Fire Burning
Leviticus 8:1-36: Set Apart for Service
Numbers 9:1-10:10: Looking Back, Moving Forward
Leviticus 9:22-10:11: Strange Fire
Leviticus 14:1-9: Cleansing of the Leper
Leviticus 16: The Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur
Leviticus 16:20-22: The Scapegoat
Numbers 6:22-27: The Blessing of Peace
Numbers 10:11-28: Forward March!
Numbers 10:11, 29-32: Comfort Zone Evangelism
Numbers 10:33-36: Rise Up, O Lord!
Numbers 11:1-3: Fire at Taberah
Numbers 11:4-15: Moses gives out
Numbers 12: Miriam & Aaron oppose Moses
Joshua 3-4: Crossing Over into the New Year
Joshua 4: Giving Children a Godly Heritage
1 Samuel 3: Raising Young Samuels
1 Samuel 8-12: The danger of good, responsible thinking
Nehemiah 8-13: Notes
Nehemiah 13:1-14: Giving: Important things to remember
Psalm 2: Kiss the Son
Psalm 22: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Psalm 27: Exposition (by Amanda)
Psalm 42-43: Overcoming Depression
Psalm 127-128: The Importance of Family
Psalm 139:13-16: The Sanctity of Life
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-16: Inferiority and Rejection
Proverbs 1:1-7, 20-2:11: On Wisdom
Proverbs 13:22: A Fitting Inheritance
Isaiah 9:1-5: Unto Us a Child is Born Part 1
Isaiah 9:6-7: Unto Us A Child is Born Part 2
Isaiah 55:7: Stop your Backsliding
Ezekiel 36:24-38: Restoration, Renewal, Revival
Zechariah 9-14: The Coming of a Victorious King
Zechariah 9-14: Literary structure
Matthew 6:25-34: Overcoming Worry
Matthew 15:1-14: Poor leadership
Matthew 15:21-39
Matthew 17:1-13 Transfiguration
Matthew 17:14-27: Epileptic boy & temple tax
Matthew 21:23-27: Authority of Jesus
Matthew 21:28-46: Parables of the two sons and the...
Matthew 22:1-14: You're Invited!
Matthew 22:34-40: Keeping the main thing the main thing
Matthew 22:41-46: The Son and Lord of David
Matthew 24:30-31, 36-44: The Second Coming
Matthew 28:16-20: The Cooperative Commission
Luke 2:8-20: The Glory of the Newborn Child
Luke 4:31-41: The authority of Jesus
Luke 16:19-31: Hell: That Theological Place of Permanent Punishment
John 4:1-26: A Model for Personal Evangelism
John 15:1-8: Abiding in Christ
Acts 6:1-7: The Institution of Deacon Ordination
Acts 26:28: Almost a Christian
Romans 11: The Importance of Israel
1 Corinthians 15:29: Baptized for the dead: An exegetical study
1 Corinthians 15:42-58: Resurrection Victory!
2 Corinthians 5:19: Communion Meditation
Ephesians 2:8 - Salvation by Faith
Ephesians 4:13-16; Hebrews 5:11-6:3: How to recognize a mature believer
Ephesians 5:15-17: Wisdom for Living
Philippians 1:1-11: I have you in my heart
Philippians 2:5-11
Philippians 2:12-18: 1000 points of light
Philippians 2:19-30: True friendship: How to find / be a good friend
1 Peter 1:3-11: Making your calling & election sure
1 Timothy 5:3-16: Caring for widows
2 Timothy 3:15-4:2 - The Importance of Scripture
2 Timothy 4:9-21: Overcoming Loneliness
James 1:13-15: Handling Temptation
1 John 1:8-2:2: Jesus Christ our Atoning Sacrifice
1 John 2:28-3:3: We are children of God
1 John 3:16-24: True Love

Bible 101

Bible Overview



















Chronological Bible Reading




Holy Week Reading Plan







1 Corinthians PowerPoint:
Introduction  |  1-3  |  4-5  |  6-8  |  9-11  |  12-14  |  15-16  Audio: Intro: (RA) (WM)  |  1-3: RA WM  |  4-5: RA WM  |  6: RA WM  |  7-8: RAWM  |  9-11: RA WM  |  12-14: RA WM
