Icons and Icon Changers
Icons in a PC represent the page or file they open. For example 'My
computer' icon opens up my computer window which again shows icons
of Hard Disks, DVD/CD Drives and My  Documents.
                Here are some icons which are windows default

                      Here are icons which I'm currently using

Icon Changer:
Icons can be changed through windows but they don't allow total freedom.
For that you have to use specialized softwares like
IconPackager               StyleXP                 E-Icon
I am a big IconPackager fan because it is easy to use for Icons. StyleXP
has a lot of options but its usually used to change visual themes of XP. E-
Icon is a good program but a little hard to use. Below are some Icon and
Themes sites. Enjoy customizing.
FOOOD        Win Customize        Stardock      Iconica
I use FOOOD icons and recommend  you to use it. Startdock has a couple
of cool softwares to enhance your experience. A MUST-SEE site.