Pop Greco's Rhode Island Red Layers

Designed & Developed by Greco & Associates LLC

Our Laying Hens

Rhode Island Red
"One of America's Finest Brown Egg Layers"

Whether you raise 50 pullets in your backyard or in cages, we are certain that you will find the Rhode Island in the very best brown egg layer for your operation.  More than 40 years of research have gone into developing this multiple strain cross brown egger.  She matures early, comes into egg size rapidly and produces one dozen eggs on just 4.0 - 4.2 pounds feed.

Performance Potential:  

Days of Age to 50% Lay 158 Days
Growing Livability 95 - 97%
Henhoused Livability 92 - 95%
150 Day Body Weight 1.77 kg.
Final Body Weight 2.23 kg.
240 Day Egg Weight 57.2 grams
360 Day Egg Weight 63.0 grams
Henhoused Egg Number (12-14 mos.) 255 - 285 eggs
Farm flock producers by the thousands have found there is not a better brown egg layer on the market today than the Rhode Island.  Where egg color is important, the large commercial producers tell us the dark brown shell color of the Rhode Island is just about ideal.  Regardless of your size, if you are in the brown egg business the Rhode Island should be a part of your laying operation

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