Buffy Fanlistings

Eliza - Shippers - Episodes - Actor/Characters - Miscellaneous
Non-Buffy Fanlistings

Eliza fanlistings
x Eliza Dushku
x Missy and Cliff ~ Bring it On
x Sissy ~ Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back
x Soul Survivors
x Eliza Dushku Movies
x Missy Pantone ~ Bring it On

Shipper Fanlistings
x Faith/Angel Fan (1)
x Faith/Angel Fan (2)
x Gunn/Fred
x Alyson and Alexis
x Xander/Anya
x Spike/Faith
x Spike/Angel
x Willow/Angel
x Anti Buffy/Spike
x Buffy/Giles
x Buffy/Angelus
x Willow/Tara
x Giles/Oz

Episode Fanlistings
x The Pack-Season 1
x Invisible Girl-Season 1
x Prophecy Girl-Season 1
x When She Was Bad-Season 2
x What's My Line?-Season 2
x Becoming-Season 2
x Faith, Hope and Trick-Season 3
x Faith, Hope and Trick-Season 3
x Helpless-Season 3
x The Zeppo-Season 3
x Doppelgangland-Season 3
x Enemies-Season 3
x Choices-Season 3
x Graduation Day-Season 3
x Harsh Light of Day-Season 4/In the Dark-Season 1
x Wild At Heart-Season 4
x Pangs-Season 4
x The Initiative-Season 4
x Doomed-Season 4
x A New Man-Season 4
x Superstar-Season 4
x I Was Made to Love You-Season 5
x The Body-Season 5
x Forever-Season 5
x The Gift-Season 5
x Afterlife-Season 6
x Flooded-Season 6
x Smashed-Season 6
x Gone-Season 6
x Double Meat Palace-Season 6
x Dead Things-Season 6
x Entropy-Season 6
x Here-Season 1
x Expecting-Season 1
x Five By Five/Sanctuary-Season 1
x Reawakening-Season 2
x Guise Will be Guise-Season 2
x Billy-Season 3
x Lullaby-Season 3
Earshot // Listed Member #21 The Prom // Listed Member #60></a> 

<A HREF=Listed Member #45 Where the Wild Things Are // Listed Member #23 Beer Bad // Listed Member #28 The Bachelor Party Dead End Darla Goodbye Iowa Dear Boy Triangle The Witch // Listed Member #26

x Villains
Listed Member Willow Rosenberg
Listed Member #4 Listed Member #111 Jossism
Listed Member #207

Close Your Eyes // Listed Member #95

The Bunny Warren | Live Journal | Quizzes and Surveys
Listed Member Willow Rosenberg
Listed Member #4 Listed Member #111 Jossism
Listed Member #207

Close Your Eyes // Listed Member #95