Master of Technology in Computational Techniques. Hyderabad Central University

Master of Technology

( Computational Techniques )

University of Hyderabad

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University of Hyderabad

School of Physics

Department of Computer & Information Science

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Welcome to the home of Master of Technology in Computational Techniques of University of Hyderabad.

M. Tech in Computational Techniques is a unique course conducted by School of Physics in collaboration with the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Hyderabad Central University.

Computational Science deals with the challenges posed by complex realistic problems in almost all branches of science and technology. This is a multi-disciplinary field covering a range of subjects from pure science to high-end technology.

This post-MSc course trains physicists in advanced areas of computing like Image & Speech Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Wavelet Transforms, Monte-Carlo Techniques, Numerical Techniques, Evolutionary Computing (Neural Networks), Pattern Recognition, Stochastic Processes, Algorithmics etc. Thus the course intends to create a pool of professionals equipped with the knowledge of front-end techniques who have strong background of science concerned.

In India, University of Hyderabad is one of the two esteemed Institutes to offer a dynamic course in Scientific Computation. The other one is Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore.

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Last Updated on 11th June 2005
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