
Common Names:

Physical Description:


Usually found nesting and roosting in trees and bushes in freshwater swamps, lakes, sluggish streams in sheltered and murky waters, fresh-water marshy sloughs of sawgrass with clumps of willows, along fresh-water canals, and in cypress sloughs, often in areas overgrown with vegetation. Near coastal areas, found around brackish lagoons, and in mangrove-bordered salt and brackish bays, lagoons, and tidal streams.
Nests in small groups with herons and egrets and may appropriate their nests or their build own. Nests in branches in trees, from 5-20 ft. above water. Loosely built of leaves and sticks, lined with moss and green cypress foliage.


Dives under water for prey, from surface or while flying over water, or from perch. Feeds primarily on fishe, also eats aquatic insects, crayfish, leeches, shrimps, tadpoles, eggs of frogs, young alligators and water snakes.


Southeastern U.S to Argentina.

Image by permission of Dr. Daniel Sudia for educational purposes.

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Anhinga | Double-crested Cormorant | Little Blue Heron | Great Blue Heron | Black Heron | Green Heron | Tri-color Heron | Yellow Heron
Flamingo | Snowy Egret | Cattle Egret | Gallinule | American White Pelican | Brown Pelican | Laughing Gull | Oystercatcher
Downy Woodpecker | Pileated Woodpecker | Red Cockaded Woodpecker | Redheaded Woodpecker | Redbellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Spoonbill | Wood Stork | American Kestrel | Bald Eagle | Red-shouldered Hawk | Sharpshinned Hawk
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