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Dear Birthmother: Greetings! | Who Are We? | Our Home | Please Call Us!
Open Adoption: Open Adoption | Emily's Birth Families | Open Adoption WebRing
All about Emily: Emily's Letters | Emily's 1st Birthday | Our 1st Reunion
Photos : Alaska Vacation | Extended Family | Liz and Allen | From the Shoebox
Miscellaneous: Sign Our Guestbook | View Our Guestbook | Family Recipes | Email Us

Thanks for reading about us ...

Emily at 1 year, 1 day
(Allen just thinks this is too cute to leave out)

We are especially fortunate because our lives are blessed with so many caring people. Our church family has many adopted children and we have seen the special rewards and challenges of adoption. It's a warm and caring place where a child can develop hie or her own beliefs. We sing in the choir and Liz has taught Sunday school. This kind of extended family is important to us because we very much want to raise this new baby to be self-confident, secure, and able to make choices for themselves.

We respect your choice for the baby and yourself, and we would love to help you make a happy future. Please call us any time at (626) 794-8237. Hard times come for all of us, but any challenge is easier with a little help. If you have questions about anything you have read here, feel free to call and ask. We believe in miracles, and together we can make one happen. We look forward to meeting you soon,

Liz and Pals

Allen and Liz

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Last Modified: Tuesday, December 7, 1999

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