
Costumes and Clothing Index

17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century

  • The 19th Century

    A Wounded Cuirassier 1814The rise of Napoleon and his empire in the early 19th century resulted in a return to formality and elaboration. The restoration of the French monarchy in 1814 led to a return to corsets and shaped crinolines and hoops. The baggy trousers worn by the French republicans became the straight hanging trousers that were in style instead of knee breeches by 1800.

    Edouard Manet 1867Court dress gave way to less formal attire. Country dress, consisting of riding hat, jacket, and boots, became city dress by 1800. Overcoats were also introduced. The tophat, once in fashion for riding horseback, became a part of regular clothing by 1820. By 1900 the tophat was worn mostly for formal attire. The formal tailcoat also evolved from sportswear in 1780, to regular clothing in 1820, and then to formal dress by 1900.

    No basic change in men's costume has taken place since the reintroduction of trousers other than a progressive departure from formality. Since the turn of the 19th century, fit rather than cut has been the mark of fashion in men's clothes. By 1860, men were wearing suits not unlike those worn by businessmen today. These replaced the frock coat and cutaway, which then became daytime formal attire. Cravats became smaller, developing into ascots, bow ties, and four-in-hand ties by 1900. Collars, which in 1800 rose to the chin, were gradually lowered and reduced in size.

    La Comtess d'Haussonville 1845Romantic influences began to appear in the details of women's clothing after 1820. The waistline went from the "Empire" style back to its natural location. The Grecian gown gave way to a bell-shaped skirt, which became progressively more voluminous with each decade, until, by the 1850s, hoops or crinolines were once again used to support them. From 1870 to 1890 the bustle The Artist's Family 1867replaced the crinoline. Women's hats also became smaller, developing from a large bonnet in the 1820s to the feather and ribbon trimmed hats of the 1870s and later. The 1890s woman wore a bell shaped skirt, was tight corseted, and had balloon sleeves.

    Memories 1889The Industrial Revolution produced a rapid series of changes in women's costume and made possible the manufacture of fashionable clothes. The leaders of fashion were forced to change in order to keep ahead of the newly rich who copied them. The one constant, despite changing silhouettes, necklines, sleeves, and colors, was the corset.

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    Last Updated May 23, 1998