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Bishop, The Emperor's Reach

Template: Emperor's Reach

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown - presumed to be in mid 40's

Weight: 170 lbs.

Height: 5' 11 "

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Dark

Home Planet: Unknown - Possibly Coruscant

Bishop and the Empire seem to be synonymous with one another. He appeared beside the Emperor at an early age, and remained there, always the apt and devoted servant to Palpatine. Within the Imperial data banks there is very little information about Bishop, due in large part because he has made certain those files were expunged from all known databases. It isn't that he necessarily has anything to hide, but more from the orders of the Emperor himself, to have as little as possible released for general knowledge concerning those closest to him. The air of mystery that surrounds Bishop only helps to spur the power he holds. And he does hold quite a bit of power.

Appointed by Palpatine to be the Head of the Imperial Secret Order, Bishop was also awarded the title of Emperor's Reach. As Mara Jade served as the Emperor's Hand, doing his biding throughout the galaxy, Bishop stayed closer to the Emperor's side and was often referred to as Palpatine's mirror. Bishop was not a stranger to the ways of the court or the machinations that fueled the day-to-day life of the Empire. He answered to only Palpatine, but he had nearly everyone else in the Empire answering to him, from Grand Admirals to Moffs to sector Generals and on down the line. Bishop knew the Empire inside and out. The only other high-ranking Imperial that Bishop did not command was Lord Vader, as Vader answered only to Palpatine as well. But, both men were cordial to one another on a professional and personal level.

Bishop was adept in the Force, and many believed he was in fact Palpatine's star pupil, but this was not true. The Emperor taught Bishop very little concerning the Force, what he did learn of it, he learned through observation only. Despite the fact that he was valuable to the Emperor, Bishop was a pawn to the Emperor as much as Vader or any of the others were. And Bishop was smart enough to know his place in the Emperor's grand scheme. Because of this, Bishop studied the Force quietly, mastering his own techniques at secrecy, to the point that he was able to seek out an old Jedi Master to tutor him in the light side of the Force, unbeknownst to anyone, including Palpatine. Bishop was not so naïve to turn his back on the dark side, and instead used it as his base of power. Because the dark side could be so consuming, Bishop honed his skills with the light side to temper that darkness, become one of only a handful of rare Jedi to be able to master such skill.

Bishop's true downfall is his arrogance. He is of "noble" blood and acts it. He can come off as haughty and irritating, and cruel, but always his motives are those of the Emperor and the Empire.