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In order to join this role playing game you must apply for a player position. There are TWO parts of the application. Create A Character and Scenario Application. Please be sure to submit both of these at the same time to the Game Master. If you fail to send in one part or the other, your character will not be considered for the game. Follow instructions below to complete your application.


Create a unique character, one that will fit into the time frame of the game. Be advised we will NOT accept characters that are machines or droids. You CANNOT play characters that already exist, such as Mara Jade, or Han Solo, etc.

Use the following information to complete your Character Sheet.


Characters full name:

Any degrees, titles or ranks:

Template (What they do when the game starts, or what they did for a career. Example – mechanic, nobleman, spy, etc.).






Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Tattoos, birthmarks, etc:

General Physical Description:

Medical Conditions?

Clothing/ Cultural/ Genre Info?

Affiliation (Government, Fraternal, Professional):

Interests and Hobbies:

Weapons and Equipment:

Ship: (Keep it reasonable, no single person owns a Star Destroyer. You can have a personal ship for personal use. The GM has the right to modify your ship and it’s weapons.)

Special Talents/Skills (Including but not limited to Force Sensitivity – No person has more force power than Luke Skywalker at the beginning of A New Hope.)

Home Planet:

Place of Residence:

Background, from Birth to Present, including upbringing, traumatic/ influential experiences, friends, spouses, siblings, education, employment, assignment, etc. A half page at least, IF it’s REALLY good, A page is about right, to start…

Picture (s)

Quotes (s)

Anything else you think we need to know:

SCENARIO APPLICATION -------------------------------------------------

Read the following "Scenario" and then write a reply to it. Your ability to write a creative reply will make or break your chance at getting into this game. Use Spell Check! And, Follow The Game Rules. Good Luck.

Your Scenario.....

You cursed as the rain began to fall in earnest, ruining your outfit. Around you, people rush into the nearest storefronts to escape the sudden downpour, but you hail a landcab to take you across town to the Imperial Palace. You had an appointment with Internal Affairs, and you were already running late.

“Where too?” the driver of the cab says as you climb in. You tell him, and he flips the meter on as he pulls his cab away from the curb. “Damn weird weather. Just doesn’t feel right, do you think?” he asks.

You really don’t notice anything weird about it, except that you are soaked.

The cab driver keeps up a running conversation, mainly with himself, about the traffic, the taxes he’s forced to pay to operate his cab in this district, and about the government. Like most locals, he’s been around long enough to have seen the senate fall, and Palpatine take control and name himself Emperor. For the inhabitants of Coruscant, the Empire was nothing more than another power come to be, and one that would fall to the wayside again, eventually, as Coruscant continued to be the heart of the galaxy. For you, the Empire was much more.

Twenty standard minutes later, you are at the Palace. You pay your cab fare, try to smooth out the wrinkles of your suit, and head inside the Palace to the twenty-fifth floor where the offices of Internal Affairs are located. You are way beyond late now, and a bit worried about why they really want to see you anyway.

What do you do?

SUBMIT both the Character Sheet and the Scenario Application to the GameMaster at GameMasterHOD@hotmail.com

Please check the PLAYERS PAGE to see if your character has been selected to be in the game. If it has not, please try again.