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There are no dice in this game. It is played strictly through email. When the game begins, you will receive an opening scenario based on your character’s bio sheet that you sent in. This will place your character into game play and set you up for your first reply.

The best players create characters with flaws that they must overcome. Your character cannot be all powerful. No character in the game can have greater force powers than what Luke Skywalker had at the beginning of A New Hope. As game play progresses you will be given ample opportunities to hone your force skills and learn more control.

The GameMaster controls all the NPC’s. These are characters such as Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, the Emperor, and even little players like a Bith Senator or a space dock worker.

You may NOT speak or think for any character but yourself. For example, if you are in a situation with Darth Vader, you cannot speak or think for Vader. You do not know what he would do or say. You do not control him, the GameMaster does. In instances where you might be having a conversation with minor NPC’s, the GameMaster may allow you to write minor dialog for those characters.

You may NOT create major actions. You cannot write a reply like this: I drew my blaster and fired, killing Han Solo. Should you find yourself in a situation with Solo, you could draw your blaster and fire, but you would have to wait for the GameMaster to reply back to see if you were successful in hitting Solo, and what kind of bodily harm you may have inflicted.

Make a stupid move and expect the consequences to hurt. Not physically, of course. But if you are silly enough to attempt to kill the Emperor, expect a good lashing by force lightning.

You may come into game play with other players. In these cases, your reply will be forwarded for the other player to reply back to until the scene plays itself out. This can slow down the storyline, so we try to keep these limited, or do them with players who have the time to complete a scene in one sitting at the computer (within an hour or so).

You will receive replies approximately twice a week. About nce a week, the GM's will post an Update on what is happening in the game. This will give you an overview of the entire game, telling you what other players are up to, etc. This is for your enjoyment as a player only. You CANNOT use any information in this Update to further your characters game play. For instance, if the rebel goal is to steal the plans to the Death Star, and you learn in the Update that Imperial Player Joe Schmo has the plans, you can’t just magically have your character know this in your next turn. You will need to prove your moves, make it logical, and learn where things are by your skill as a writer and a player.

The GameMasters are breaking down game play into “chapters”. Each chapter will have a specific goal for players to attain. Once the goal has been met, that chapter of the game will be over. Not all players will automatically move on to the next chapter. You must earn that right through game play. How do you earn advancement. You write good, imaginative, engaging replies. USE SPELL CHECK. And do your best to use proper punctuation and grammar.

The GameMasters are here to help you. If you have questions, ASK. This game is for you. The rules are set up to make the game flow more smoothly so that you can enjoy the adventure.