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NPC Name: Monique Anne Fullmore

Template: Imperial Intelligence Officer (Technician)

Species/ Birth: Greater Human (Correllian)

Age: 28 Standard Years old.

Cousin of Basil Kelso, Monique was raised in a loving, if liberal home. A gifted child if not necessarily a gifted student, she was frequently in trouble for several unsuccessful attempts to crash school computers. After an arrest for cyber theft turned her into an informant for the Correllian Security Force, she realized that being a techno punk was no way to make a living. Having cleaned up, she became a Technical Support Operator for a public transportation hub on Correllia, but before long she was back to Slicing. After uncovering a secret plot to persecute and blackmail Government Officials, she rendezvoused with the fugitive Intelligence Officer Trent Haverly and eventually exonerated several wrongly accused Officers. This made her a permanent enemy of Imperial Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard, though she now works within the Imperial Intelligence Establishment as a Slicer, ironically enough.