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Raian Palpatine

Template: Noble

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Weight: 120 lbs.

Height: 5' 9"

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Blond

Home Planet: Unknown - Possibly Coruscant


Raian Keleiz Palpatine was conceived as an idea, an experiment, a twist of genetics and the power of the Force that embodied her father, the ruler of the known galaxy. In the fetal stage, she was grown inside an incubation chamber, and when the experiment came to a conclusion, the tank was drained and she breathed her first breath of air with a tiny cry of resentment at having been torn from the warm confines of the life nourishing solutions.

Raian grew up on Coruscant, living in the opulent and exclusive lifestyle of all those who called the Imperial Palace their home. She was given the title of Imperial Princess, and was accorded all the protocol that went with that title, although she served no real purpose within the Imperial structure. As a child she was virtually shunned by other children, not so much by them as by their parents, who feared that a friendship with the young princess could become an entanglement to darker things. Raian did share a friendship with Mara Jade, until such time as Mara was put into rigorous training by the Emperor. Then Raian became bitter and jealous of the older girl, for she was obtaining what Raian sought - training in the Force, and a relationship with her father.

The darkside of the force manifested itself within Raian naturally. Although she would remain untrained in it's use, her main inherent power was that of Fire. She could, with a mere thought it seemed, reduce most any material to ashes within moments. This spontaneous combustion was a power that frightened her, and she tried to suppress it, but because she lacked the control necessary to channel it, once she was angered or emotionally distraught, something usually burst into flame. Oddly enough, this seemed to be the only real power she had. In all other aspects of the Force, she had very little ability, although one would expect that with training she would develop her talents to the full potential.

With no real friends, and availability to the galaxy's top leaders, Raian did form alliances with some of the most powerful, and dangerous men. She has been quoted as saying that both Prince Xizor and Darth Vader were her friends, and she has a long history with the notorious bounty hunter, Boba Fett. But the one person who had the most effect on her development was the Emperor's Reach, Bishop. Bishop was a surrogate father figure to her, and to this day she entrusts him with her life.

Raian enjoys sporting activities and is an avid swimmer. She also enjoys target shooting with both bowcasters and projectile rifles. She admits to being a lousy pilot, but she does travel frequently aboard her private yacht, the Freefall, a luxury prototype designed by Sienar.