My Thoughts on Things

Depression Paper
Love and Marriage
What's the Point?
Why I Write
-Other Links

- Read my journal

Other Links

Here are some other sites which I feel also have something interesting to offer. If you have a site and want me to add a link, just email me. Also, if anyone wants to link to my site, feel free also.

  • Undoing Depresion
  • - need to vent? I promise, writting about whatever in a journal is like some weird form of therapy or something. it really is. Plus, it's free!! and you can't beat that! A great site to begin an online journal, incredibly easy to use.
  • InFrequently Asked Questions - lots of stuff on this site, lots of essays on things like: what is evil? what is love? what's good about prudery? What is insanity? and PLENTLY more. kinda long essays, but very in-depth.
  • - a lot of text. A college junior's personal essay on love and marrigae in context of religion (Christianity). very well written, even if it does speak of a lot of religious reasons and such.
  • My Quiet Corner - a girl named Catlin's site. the usualy poetry and stuff, also a journal which is more like reflections on different things in life than a journal
  • A Place to Post Your Opinions - a very good site. There's several questions posted about if abstinence is a lost cause, if God is daed, if getting a college education is overrated and other things. Do you have strong and well thought out opinions? go here. also a very interesting page on "Ode to Orgasms". not that I've had an orgasm ever(I'm a virgin), but still, interesting.