Cool Links!


This site is very old, and most likely I will not be putting new links here anymore. However, I maintain a new blog for the same purpose...


I will list all sites that I found interesting or which I would like you to visit. I will put a short description of the site beside its name - please visit the site only if you think it will interest you.

Note: I will put the links here only if I like them. This has got nothing to do with the websites advertising here.

The 3rd Dimension

POV Ray Home Page - If you haven't yet downloaded POV Ray, then you must, right now! It is free, open source 3D modeling program with 'C' like script language to describe scenes.

Internet Raytracing Competition - This is the site to check out if you really want to know the limits of POV Ray. (Or, the less likely reason, if you have already mastered 3D Modelling, and want to take part in the competition!)

Moray Home Page - If you really find it tedious to learn the script language of POV Ray (even though the documentation is quite readable and entertaining) this is what you need. Moray is basically the GUI interface one expects out of a 3D modelling software, which POV Ray lacks. It needs POV Ray installed on your system since it uses the POV Ray engine to render pictures. Unfortunately Moray is not either open source or free - still you can download the 30 day evaluation if you want to check it out.

Xara3d Home Page - With Xara 3D you can create cool text effects as there are in my site, with minimal efforts. This program is solely for creating fancy 3D texts. However, only the demo version is available for free.


Winamp Home Page - Whether or not you are addicted to music, this is the program you must have, if your computer can play any sound file. Thanks to the support it received from music listeners in the past, Winamp is now free! The secret to its success is robust customizability. It is like an environment for playing music (just like Windows OS for running Windows programs) where you can change everything starting from its look to visualization or sound effects. This is achieved by installing skins or plugins, which are to be found in plenty in their site.

vanBasco's MIDI Search - A greate search engine for .mid files. You will find anything starting from your favourite artist to your favourite advertisement theme music here!

For the Programmer

GameDev.Net - Listen up all Programmers: this is one site you must visit! They have many beautiful articles on programming written and submitted by professionals. I found a lot to learn there, and I am lucky to have chanced upon their site. It is my challenge that you will like it very much and thank me for giving you this link!

Wotsit's Format - Ever wanted to know the format of JPEG? Or GIF? Or the windows registry files (SYSTEM.DAT, USER.DAT)? This is the site where you will get many file formats. They even have printer and hardware formats (i.e. how to operate on the PC Speaker port or how to program the PIT chip).

1st Page Home Page - 1st Page is the HTML editor that I made my site with. It is a complete web-designing package with even in-built SpellCheck, Thesaurus, etc. The best thing about it is that it is free! I owe them a lot, and the least I could do is to enlist their site in this page.

Developer Newsgroups - This is a collection of very interesting newsgroups on a variety of subjects (C++, Visual Basic, C# to name a few). What's good is that you don't even have to sign up for taking part in the discussions, just go there, read the discussions, and post your comments in an instant!

Java on the Brain - A very nice site that has lots of programs in Java, and I must mention that the author is artistically talented. Source code to most of the programs are also provided. This is the site looking at which I decided I've got to learn java!


Interactive Mathematical Games and Miscellany - A brilliant web site featuring lots of puzzles, games, and even mathematical proofs in the form of interactive Java applets. I guaranty that you will have a memorable time here if your mind has the slightest inclination towards mathematics and puzzles!

Chatterbots - Playing chess does not require consciousness, otherwise computers could never gain this amount of expertise in chess. Likewise, pretending to be conscious also does not require consciousness. Here you will find many programs that can fool the unsuspecting into thinking that he is chatting with a real human.

Paidmania - If you ever wondered what those "Getpaid for Surfing the Net" programs are, this is the site to check out. They have all such getpaid agencies listed in a very systematic manner, and they also give very good insight on how those sites work.

Optillusions - These site is a collection of optical illusions (i.e. certain pictures that human brains find difficult to analyze). Along with those I have already seen elsewhere, I have found many new interesting illusions here.