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nao news....history:

08/01 09/01 10/01 11/01 12/02 01/02 02/02 03/02 04/02 05/02

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-->小蟲味道小圈子內有chat room! 大家快快當個成員來chat 下啦!

-->小蟲已經在MSN建立了社群 [小蟲味道小圈子] ! 請大家踴躍加入吧! 好好玩的啊!
--> 小松未步將於 29/5 出 16th single 啦!!!!!!!!! 樂ウゆ!!!




nao says...


其實這篇都不會有甚麼人看到的啦, 是不是?


看回這頁的日記, 感概良多~原來日子真的過得很快, 原來自己都曾經有過那麼迂腐的日子!




大家有無掛住我呀? 我好耐唔上網和update啦~哈哈哈哈!

小蟲正密鑼緊鼓籌備一些東西呀, 所以最近都忙得不可交之, 連ICQ也沒空去了......

請耐心靜候! (尤其那位姓勇名仔的先生!)

I'll be BACK!~





7/5~好high! 太開心啦~


因為阿哥打了個電話來, 令到我真係好開心啦...............................不, 應該是很很很high啦~

雖然Laurence比阿哥仲早打來, 可惜我接唔到他的電話..................................


我估唔到會有D甘關心我既人架!..................阿哥! 今晚除了因為聽到你把聲而開心, 仲有係由於看了你info架~~~..........我之前發夢都估唔到平日睇來cool cool地既阿哥會甘關心我架~.....................



我現在已經再度精力充沛啦! 點解我這兩天不上來? 是因為我正在隱居研究一樣東西罷了! 我不是去了潛水啦~~~~





4/5~the crying worm

please don't say THAT out...................

becoz that is a terrible curse, on you and on me....

please never let the thing I am thinking become true.....never......

since I wanna stop you saying that, starting from the moment that I sensed you'v changed, I wore a mask in front of all guys, in the past 20 hours.

pretending smiling and considerate.

the thing was so strong that I couldn't get into sleep, becoz the face you showed was never ever seen,

the way you treated me was never ever exprienced.

I dunno what to do and what to say, but when you asked if I was still angry, my direct and clear answer have stated my stance already.......

however, I couldn't find anything improved in your scary way .

was your sharp change indicating something horrible.........?

or, it did mean what you replied my in your offline message?

if it was so, then you're a GREAT fool!

why don't you understand?

I have already acted my forgiveness by staying with you.............but once again,

nothing was improved though I did this...

well, it was really very disappointing.....really.....so, the worm can't help crying anymore after saying "bye bye" on the bus...

I have never been so down, even worse than the moment when I recieved the result slip on 6/7 last year.

I was in the greatest sorrow now, so please do not contact me for the moment, leave me alone.....alone.....and alone......to stop me from being afraid of hearing you say THAT sentence.....

may be,

you will think that I am such a worm who likes to gossip everywhere,

may be,

you will be more angry and make the things worse after seeing these,

but I am here not to bring shame or blame on you

I am only here to cry for the moon, not to allow you to make THAT decision,

when will you see these? I dunno.

I just wanna stay with myself............

1/5~全部written exam都考完了!


希望小蟲今次可以脫了中學的繭, 變成飛向大學的蝴蝶吧!

先不找工, 29號一考完就出了街, 目的當然是去訂小松未步的dance了! 大家可知? 如果到出版日才動身去買, 是起碼要$100, 但如今我只要花$75 便可....是75%...可說少, 但其實都很好的了.


......小蟲覺得人真的話變就變, F5時個個還是那麼天真可愛, 但如今...怎會都變得如此愛錢的?

原諒我啦! 我係點都唔會同你地一齊"發展"架啦! 而且我的意志是很堅定的! 無論你把份"工"說如何好搵, 如何偉大, 小蟲都唔會動容既!

我決定了, 即使會無friend做, 都無所謂,我如何都不會"上檔"的 , 別用友誼作大石壓我!