Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix(6)       

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Monthly Journal - The Shews       Monthly Journal (Con.)      


On the way......

    "What game is that?" asked Eugene. "Why is there a baby in that game? Sailing on a ship that knows how to talk? What kind of foolish game is that? Isn't that the most boring game in the world?"

    "That's not a baby! That's Link! This game's name is 'Legend of Zelda', it's really fun!" said Henry.

    "Whatever," said Eugene.

    Suddenly there was a loud lock on the bedroom door, then Dannie Siu opened the door. It's time to go.

    "Ready, guys?" said Dannie. "It will be a busy day today."

    All the people in the house went inside the car with their school stuff, then they started their journey in Dannie's car, Honda Civic.

    On the way, Henry has been so annoying that Mark was about to push him off the car.

    "Legos, Legos, Legos..." mumbled Henry. "Rahkshis, Rahkshis, Rahkshis... Are we there? Are we there? I can't tolerate waiting!"

    "Can you please be quiet! You 'The-Butt-That-Eats-Human'!" yelled Mark. "You are so annoying! Why can't you just shut up!"

    It took twenty minutes to reach Toy'r Us and buy those Legos for Henry. Finally, the moment Eugene has been waiting for, was about to happen.

    "It's time for school!" said Dannie cheerfully. "I hope you all will have a wonderful time at St Louis! And Henry, don't play those Legos too often."

    They arrived the food court lastly and they entered the Panda Express. Henry kept whispered something Mark seriously hated to hear.

    "Oh, I love Legos," said Henry. "Are you jealous now, huh?! Mark?! It's funny that you didn't get as many toys as I did. Hah!"

    "Be quiet! Or I am going to steal your 'Legend of Zelda' video game!" said Mark. "Are you frightened? Hah, hah!"

    In the very last carriage they met George Macfly, Eugene's fellow second-year Rose, who has once asked Lorraine out.

    "Hi, Eugene," he panted. "Hi, Density... Oh sorry... Hi, Destiny..."

    "George!" said Henry. "Can you please say Lorraine's real name when you call her name! Her name is Lorraine!"

    "Sorry, hi, Denstity," said George in front of Lorraine, who was feeling awful and embarrassing. 

    "Whatever," said Lorraine. "I don't care. Just call me whatever you want, George."

    A boy was sitting beside the window, who looked up. He had straggly, waist length, dirty-black hair, very pale eyebrows, and protuberant eyes that gave him a permanently surprised look. His eyes ranged over George and came to rest on Eugene.

    "This is Clint Eastwood," said George Macfly. "His father is the boss of the magazine, 'Don't Read It!', and its company."

    "Hello," said Clint. "I think I'm kind of famous because of my father. But I would never be as famous as the famous Eugene Ngai. You know, you're Eugene Ngai." She added, as she stared at Eugene.

    "I know I am," said Eugene.

    A very ugly and chunky boy with short, shiny black hair was suddenly standing in the doorway, looking at Eugene ; Biff Tannen.

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Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix

     Introduction of Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (1)Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (2)                                                                            

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (3)Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (4)                                                                           

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (5)Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (6)                                                                            

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (7)Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (8)

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (9) Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (10)


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