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        In summer 2001, the summer after my sixth grade, my family and I  moved to Washington State, U.S.A.. Frightened and dreary I was at 11 years old, I had no idea what I was doing. I felt so nervous  when I first stepped into my new school, Heatherwood Middle School. On my first day of school, I felt scared and extremely nervous. I still didn't know what I'm doing, I felt like I am really stupid. I didn't know what classes I should go and I had no idea what to do when I didn't know anyone at school. Whenever I saw other classmates were talking to each other, I felt sorry for myself. I just, felt miserable. But my school life continued, on the first trimester, I went to a class, called ESL. It's for people like me, who first moved to American and didn't have any friend. A relaxing, easy class it was. I felt happier after I took that class, but it's too easy. Therefore, I left that class and went back to my original class. Months after months have gone by, I felt more comfortable and more cheerful.  After Christmas 2001, I learned how to make a web site. Soon I began to construct my own web site. My web site was finally put on the web in Spring. And my web site continued to evolve throughout the two years I lived in America. From a web site that looked like crap, to a web site full of amazing pictures and journals. 

    At last, my first school year in America was over. I met a lot of classmates and nice friends. In summer 2002, I traveled back to Hong Kong for visiting. It's been an brilliant vacation. I saw my relatives and my old friends again. Then my second school year in Heatherwood initiated. It was a very interesting school year for me. I met more friends, and I felt absolutely bravo. In March 2003, baseball became my favorite sport. My favorite hobbies were playing baseball and playing piano. I began to collect posters and action figures. It's really fun to collect toys, like Legos and Bobbleheads. Soon, it's summer again. And this time I visited my uncle Nean's family and the Shews. I had so much gaiety with them. Henry Shew became one of my best friends, and my cousins are now my best buddies. Summer has gone by quickly, I studied a lot more on baseball. I started to learn the names of legendary and modern baseball players. I practiced how to throw a baseball, and how to hit a ball. My favorite MLB (To learn more about MLB, visit page "MLB News") players are Ichiro, Alex Rodriguez, and Derek Jeter. I also like Babe Ruth, who is a very popular, legendary baseball player.

    In September 2003, I attended another new school, Jackson High School. I didn't feel as nervous as the time I first went to Heatherwood. I felt definitely steady. I went to my new classrooms easily and I met my new teachers. My first day in Jackson was merely an ordinary school day. Today, I feel jovial for my school life. I will continue to update my web site, with the best journals I can write. If you want to contact me, send e-mails to me, my e-mail addresses are on the bottom of home page.

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix

     Introduction of Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (1)Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (2)                                                                            

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (3)Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (4)                                                                           

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (5)Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (6)                                                                            

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (7)Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (8)

Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (9) Eugene Ngai and the Order of Phoenix (10)


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