Information and Update notes on Hot Death UNO How To Play Hot Death UNO Download the original Windows 3.11 game Download all 27 cards in Printer-Friendly layout Fan-Requested Cards

Special Action Cards

Hot Death UNO is comprised of approximately 30 special action cards. Each has its own unique abilities, as delineated below.

Double Skip
Skips two players instead of just one. In a two-player game, the card acts as a regular skip, causing a player who lays a Double-Skip to play again. At the end of the hand, the Double-Skip is worth 40 points.

Reverse Skip
The Reverse Skip card first reverses the direction of the play, then skips one player. In a two-player game, a player who lays a Reverse Skip plays again. At the end of the hand, the Reverse Skip is worth 40 points.

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Information and Update notes on Hot Death UNO How To Play Hot Death UNO Download the original Windows 3.11 game Download all 27 cards in Printer-Friendly layout Fan-Requested Cards