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Sri Racha Tiger Zoo


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We had a driver for three days whilst I was on holiday. His name is Khun Rung, a very cheerful bloke who spoke a little bit of English. On Thursday he took us to Sri Racha Tiger Zoo.

rebecca croc1.JPG (39190 bytes) This is Rebecca holding her first crocodile. The kids got to hold an egg and peel it open. Maybe the occupant wasn't exactly ready to come out, but for 100 baht he was peeled into a washing up bowl.
kim croc1.JPG (45351 bytes) Kimberley had just cut the umbilical cord. Now I don't know what happens in the wild but I doubt a midwife comes around with a pair of scissors. Anyway the kids enjoyed it.
croc kids.JPG (41926 bytes) This should have been the "before" picture. The crocodiles come out with their mouths wide open, waiting for their first dinner. Thankfully they wait for something to be put into their mouths and don't take a bite out of their foster parents.
hatchery.JPG (37189 bytes) This is the hatchery. The zoo is said to house something like 30,000 crocodiles. It's the biggest of its type in the world.
pig race.JPG (37306 bytes) They even have pig racing. There is a big pig that does maths with numbered plaques. The audience will shout out a sum eg. 6 divided by 2. The pig will run up to the plaque numbered 3 and get a handful of food for a correct answer.
tiger1.JPG (42109 bytes) The children got to feed a tiger cub with a babies bottle. The young tigers nurse from a suckling pig. It's really strange to see a huge sow lying in her side with three tiger cubs and 3 piglets suckling from her. Even the baby gibbons are fed by the sow.
croc dinner.JPG (45955 bytes) Fishing for crocodiles. You can buy some chicken bits which they tie on to the end of a pole. You hang it off a footbridge over a pond and the crocodiles eat the chicken. They pull like hell and if you're not careful thay can take the whole fishing pole off you. The chicken is held on with cotton and in theory should snap when the crocodile grabs it.
kin gibbon1.JPG (47299 bytes) Here's Kimberley with two gibbons. Kimberley is the one with the hair beads!

rebecca gibbon1.JPG (25816 bytes)

This is Rebecca with the same gibbons.
wallaby1.JPG (51785 bytes) "Tie me kangaroo down sport" Well, it wasn't a kangaroo, it was a wallaby. So maybe it should be " If you wallaby my lover..."