Choosing Your Iguana

Before you buy an iguana you must read all the information that you can get your eyes on.  Some people after reading information on how to take care of iguanas suddenly realize that they won't have time to take care of an iguana.  It is best for you and your iguana if you read this information and information from other sites as well before purchasing an iguana. 

When you go to a shop to buy an iguana, there are several things to look for.

  1. The iguana should have no cuts or burns or scars on it's skin.

  2. The iguana should be very alert and notice you.  The iguana should try to squirm, wiggle, or do anything to get away from you  when you first try to hold him.  The pet shop should let you hold the iguanas before purchasing one.

  3. The iguana should have clear eyes and a clear nose.  If the iguana is a baby, then it should be bright green.  This only applies to Green Iguanas as does all of the entire site.

The next most important issue, believe it or not, is money!

Although you may only spend $10-$20 to buy the iguana, you will have to end up spending $200-$300 to set it up for the first time!!!  But that is only for the first time.  From then on you don't really have to spend that much.  You need to buy a whole lot of stuff to keep your iguana alive.  See Getting Started in the table below.


Choosing Your Iguana Getting Started Setting Up a Home Substrate
Food Heating Lighting Bath Time!
Iguanas in the Wild About Me MK Salad Link to Melissa Kaplan's Site