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Flowers Of Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal's rich and colorful orchids find a place of pride. Out of about a thousand species of orchids in India, over 600 are to be found in Arunachal alone. Hence this state can rightly be called the "Orchid Paradise" of our country. These are colorful, spectacular and some bear exotic names such as Sita-Pushpa and Draupadi-Pushpa which were believed to have been worn by Sita and Draupadi for ornamentation. Many of these orchids are rare, endangered and highly ornamental with long-lasting flower qualities. Amongst the orchids as many as 150 species are ornamental and commercially important.

Orchids form a dominant group of plants with their attractive and unique blooms. Orchids in Arunachal Pradesh can also be classified into 140 species of terrestrial orchids with 15 saprophytes and about 340 epiphytes found in the different forest types.The prominent species are: Cymbidium ansifolium , C, grandiflorum, Coelogyne corymbosa. Dendroblum aphylla, D. fimbriatum var occulatum, D. densiflorum, Calanthe masuca, Phaius flavus, Paphiopedilum. fairrieanum, P.venustum Renanthera imschootiana, vanda coenulea , etc. Rhynchostylis retusa is the state flower of Arunachal pradesh.

Arunachal Pradesh Flowers

Department of Environment and Forest, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh has established an Orchid Research and Development Station at Tipi in West Kameng district for propagation and conservation of these species.

This centre has established a laboratory for orchids seed and tissue culture for this purpose. In addition Orchidorium at Tippi, two orchid conservation sanctuaries have been established at Sessa and Dirang in West Kameng district. A wide varities of medicinal plant are also found.
Orchid centres located at Itanagar, Tipi, Sessa, Dirang, Jengging, Roing under the State Forest Research Institute have good germ-plasm collection with about 400 species and hybrids. Arunachal Pradesh having variety of ornamental orchids has great potentials in orchid trade industry which consists of mainly of plant and cut-flowers. Various ornamental orchid plants both species and hybrids are sold in market either bare-root or potted plants. In fact, orchid growing can be developed as a cottage industry in Arunachal Pradesh.Orchids are an endangered plant group. Hence, orchid trade is regulated under the Convention of Internation Trade for Endangered Species (CITES).

Since India is signatory to this convention, Orchid trade attracts the Wild Life Protection Act (1972) of government of India amended in 1992. Accordingly, Orchids have been brought under Schedule VI of Wild Life Protection Act and the trade is regulated as per Rule..

Realising the precarious situation in all the Orchid habitats within the State, the Orchid Society of Arunachal Pradesh was formed to spread the message of conservation and promotion of orchids throughout the State

Arunachal Pradesh Flowers,Florist Arunachal Pradesh