Institute Of Nursing Executives Zone 6








Zone Activities & Meetings

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Meeting Dates 2003 (Business Meetings & Education Evenings)


Next Dinner Meeting.. May 8th


 Dianne Adamson will be our guest speaker. Dianne’s presentation  will be titled ' Creating a Positive Workplace Culture -
> A Preview of the Revive to Survive Workshop'
>  Dianne Adamson now runs her own company following a highly successful career as the Executive Director at a major private hospital in Sydney. She> speaks, trains and coaches and is a proven performer in the areas of leadership, achieving cultural change and communication skills. Di regales her audiences with real life experiences and advice, which can be applied immediately to breathe new life into organizations and to instill a sense of ownership, purpose and excitement. She's vibrant, motivational and challenging


We look forward to you registering your attendance. Please contact either…;



This is a session you should not miss.


2003 Dinner Dates for your diary

nMay 8th

nAugust 14th

nNovember 14th

Education session in our zone

§       Next: Management Development Education day 30th April 2003. This session is full.

§       Keep an eye out for flyers for programs during 2003. Costs $400 per participant.

Management Education for Zone Members & others in 2003

Register your interest now if you are a manager that is interested in:

§        Working through a 360 degree analysis of management qualities.

§        Identifying opportunities for development and change.

§        Want to become a more effective manager.

§        Would like to improve “Management Blindspots”

§        Want to increase your awareness of the affects of behaviour on team efficiency.

Contact Harry Williams at the email address below if you want more information;; or

Program Cost.. cost $400 if in GMAHS Area or add cost of travel & accommodation if want program run outside the GMAHS Area.

A flyer is available for promotion on request.

On completion of the program you are able to develop personalised management development plan that will improve organisational culture within your organisation and you will be linked with a coach.

“Another strategy to assist with nurse recruitment and retention in the workplace”.

This program was able to be developed due to assistance received from a NSW Nurses Registration Board Grant during 2002. The Zone has been able to develop a management development education program that assists managers to understand how management behaviour can influence organisational culture.


Recent Business and Dinner Meeting Speakers in 2002 & 03 were:

·         Guest speaker @ March 2003 meeting was Lexie Brans FRCNA, M Bioethics (Monash) & Manager Education & Ethics Royal College of Nursing, Australia. Lexie spoke on  “ Middle Nurse Managers- Between a rock and a hard place”

  • Guest Speaker @ November 28th 2002 Meeting. Due to unforseen circumstances Keith McCulloch was not able to speak at the November Dinner Meeting.. Marianne Lackner; Program Manager Aged Care Service GMAHS attended and spoke on new initiatives for Aged Care in the region & Harry Williams spoke on “managers working in constructive management quadrants”..
  • Guest Speaker @ August 8th 2002 meeting was  Ella Lowe, Latrobe University Melbourne & Committee member “inquiry into nursing education” who spoke on “recommendations from the inquiry for action & challenges for nursing in the future” & Joy Humphries, Consultant ‘Humphriesgroup” Melbourne. Joy spoke on learning sets for nurse managers.
  • Guest Speaker @ May 9th 2002meeting was. Kevin Spencer; Clinical Phycologist who spoke on…. “Mediation; What you as a manager should know…..
  • Guest Speaker at February 14th 2002 , meeting was Julie Reid, General Manager Organisation and Development GMAHS. Julie spoke on… “Developing a positive organisation Culture through effective Management”
  •  Membership Happenings

  •   The following New Members are welcomed
  • Following recent Mentor program conducted 18th March 2003….Lisa Ferguson, Jane McBurney, Maureen Lynch, Nichola Fietz, Jennifer Apps, Aileen
  • David White RFDS Broken Hill


Upcoming Events planned for 2003

  • Management Development Sessions April 2003.. Session full.
  • Mentor Education Program Sessions  during  conducted 18th March 2003.
  • Developing  Efficient & Effective Teams, Selection & Recruitment sessions being planned.
  • Revive to Survive Workshop for Managers'


Watch This space or contact zone representative



  •  Meeting Minutes
  • March Minutes out soon.
  • November Meeting minutes out !!!
  • AGM being conducted on 13th September via teleconference
  • August meeting unable to be held due to insufficient members present at evening session
  • May meeting minutes have been circulated.
  • February 2002 Minutes have been circulated. 


Zone Discussion Papers In Circulation To Zone Members

  • Nil at this time of year.

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