Institute Of Nursing Executives Zone 6







  • Provides networking opportunity within an organization whose members are nurses. 
  • Provides forums for discussion and debate on nursing management and clinical issues. 
  • Provides an opportunity to attend an Annual Conference in October each year. 
  • Provides a sharing of knowledge and skills, and enables access to a mentor who will assist you in dealing with difficult work situations. 
  • Your Zone Representative is a member of State Council that meets Bi Monthly and gives you an opportunity to communicate your views on current nursing issues at that level. 
  • The organisation gives you political level access. 
  • At state level there is access to a formal mentor program
  • You receive a regular Zone Newsletter. 
  • You can attend Bi Monthly Education Evenings and Dinner Meetings. At each meeting there is a guest speaker that attends the evening and discusses current and relevant nursing issues. 
  • Education sessions will be arranged on request as identified by zone members. 
  • Relevant discussion papers that affect nurses as a profession at large are disseminated for all members to comment on. Your comments are forwarded to State Council that collates your responses with other statewide nurses and forwards a formal response to the group or organization requesting comment. 
  • A grant (in the form of conference fee payment) is available to support a zone member to attend the annual conference each year. The grant runs as a zone member competition and the member who most participates in zone activities wins the grant. This grant is drawn each August. 
  • Access to publish in the NAC, (Head Office Professional Journal) in regard to voicing your views to the profession on a current nurse issues or publishing your paper is routinely made available to all zone members. 

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