Institute Of Nursing Executives Zone 6







The Institute of Nursing Executive Zone 6 is a sub branch of The State Wide Professional Organisation “The Institute of Nursing Executives of NSW & ACT Inc”. The organisation is a professional organization for nurse managers and senior clinical nurse practitioners. It provides a platform and forum for all levels of nurse managers and clinicians to discuss, comment and use the political process on matters relating to the profession of nursing, particularly nursing management and clinical issues. The Institute allows members to network with colleagues throughout NSW & ACT and, in particular, focus on local activities through Zones that have been set up throughout the State. 

Zone 6 covers the geographical areas of the Greater Murray Area Health Service & assists with zone 5 activities. Zone 5 comprises of the geographical areas of Orana and Far West Area Health Services. Membership is open to private and public sector nurse managers and senior nurse clinicians. The organisation offers advocacy for its members as well as regular newsletters on up to date issues facing the profession: Bi Monthly Business and Dinner Meetings and access to management development education programs. The Views from the membership are sought on a wide variety of matters that affect the nursing profession and these can be shared with the membership at large through our newsletter network. 

For more information from Head Office Email:


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