All about my background: where I come from, including my home town and home country; my school, university, and places I've worked; and stories of my travels.  Even those who think they know me may find some surprises...
Unfortunately, due to time restrictions, I don't update this site much any more. If you want to see my latest (2006) adventures in Finland and elsewhere, go to the Flickr web site.

I will be making some minor updates here soon...I don't want to throw it away. Geocities has a certain appeal. ;-)
"A Day in the Life": the city and country where I live, hobbies, the all-important photos, and a brief introduction to some friends.
Information about my work: what I do, what I'm interested in, and where I'm keen to head in the future.  This section also includes a copy of my resume.
How to get in touch with me.
It's the Geocities home page of...