Kris's Journal
March 2005

Thursday, March10
Wow. I've been bad about updating.
John is out of town for some MAC compliance conference. It's tough when he's not here.

John's birthday was pretty good. He got a train, a Thomas song book, and other little toys. Connie was here. We took him to Chuck E. Cheese in Rockford, which was a pretty dingy place. We stayed long enough for pizza and a few games, then hit Sam's for a cake and came home. He looked so cute.

John is trying to say nearly every word he hears and tries to sing along with every song. Twinkle Little Star is a favorite. Max is reaching and grabbing everything now. He loves watching John, too. They seem to really like each other.

They both had checkups a couple weeks ago. John has gained some weight and grown. He's moved up from the 6th percentile in weight to the 10th and is in the 60th for height. Max has dropped to the 50th for weight and is in the 60th for height, too. Some people say a kid will end up twice as tall as he is on his 2d birthday, so John should make it to 5'10". He was 34 3/4". Is that right?

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