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Image Borders

<img border=#> sets the border size of an image

The image border is the line that appears around the edge of a picture placed on a Web page. Normally, this border will only appear if you use the image as a link; however, you can create a border of any size around your image by using the <img border=#> tag, and replacing the # with a border size, from 0-99.

You can also prevent a border from appearing around a linked image by setting the border size to zero (<img border=0>).

Our normal image, with the border unspecified has no border at all:

<img src="cube.gif">

But we can add a border, using <img border=#>.

<img border=5 src="cube.gif">

<img border=15 src="cube.gif">

<img border=30 src="cube.gif">

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