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Order prohibiting the Embarkation of Slaves at Keelwa without a permit; such permit to be given to Natives only. 1863, 1864 AD (1279,1280 AH).

Lieutenant-Colonel Playfair to Earl Russell. - (Received January 15, 1864) Zanzibar, October 5, 1863

My Lord


I have the honour to report, that in consequence of my representations to His Highness Seyed Majid, the slave-dealers, foiled in their endeavours to obtain cargoes of slaves in Zanzibar with the same facility as formerly, having transferred their operations to Keelwa, His Highness has issued the following orders:

I have, &c

R. L. Playfair

Earl Russell.

To all whom it may concern,

Know that we have ordained that no owners of boats shall transport slaves in their boats from any part of our dominions during the Moosum, from this day till the 25oth day of Nowroz (i.e. from January 1 till May 1). Whoever breaks this order shall have his property confiscated, and shall be considered deserving of punishment.

Dated 20 Rejub, 1280 (January 1st, 1864)

Majid bin Saeed

British Order in Council for the regulation of British Consular Jurisdiction in the Dominions of the Sultan of Zanzibar, Osborne, August 9, 1866 At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 9th day of August, 1866. present : The Queen's most excellent majesty in council

Amri ya kurufuku upakizi wa watumwa hapa Keelwa bila ruhusa; idhini hii itapewa kwa wenyeji tu. 1863, 1864 (1279,1280 AH).

(Imeandikwa na) Lieutenant-Colonel Playfair kuelekea Earl Russell -(Ilipokewa January15, 1864)


Nina staha kukujulisha kwa ajili ya mashauri niliyoweka mbele ya Mwenyetukufu Sultan Seyed Majid, matajiri wa utumwa, kwa kuvizwa majaribio yao kupatia mizigo ya watumwa hapo Zanzibar kwa rahisi sawa na iliyowezekana mbele, na kuhamisha mambo yao huko Keelwa, Mwenyetukufu ametoa amri zifuatazo:

Amri hiyo, ikiwa itatiiwa kwa kasi, itaenda mbele sana kuzingia biashara ya utumwa katika mipaka ya afikiano.

Mimi nayo, &c,

R. L. Playfair

Earl Russell.

Kwa wote inayohusiana,

Jua kwamba tumeamuru wenye meli wo wote wasichukue watumwa ndani vyombo vyao katika sehemu nyoyote ya milki yetu pindi ya majira , kuanza na siku hii mpaka siku ya 25 ya Nauroz(yaani, kuanza January1 mpaka May1). Atakayevunja amri hiyo atatwaliwa na mali yake, na atafikiriwa amestahili adhabu.

Imetolewa tarehe 20 Rajabu, 1280(January 1,1864)

Majid bin Saeed

Amri ya Haalmashauri ya Ubritani kurekebisha Hukumu ya Mashauri Mabritani katika Miliki ya Sultani ya Zanzibar, Osborne, August 9, 1866 Hapa Korti ya Osborne House, Kisiwa cha Wight, siku ya 9 Augusti, 1866. Hadhara ya Baraza ya Malkia Mstahivu.

Historical documents: Bismarck on Colonialism.